WIAW #43
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on February 6, 2013
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from last Saturday. I started a class on Saturdays, so my meals are simple. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee from Starbucks and a over-night oatmeal with banana.
Lunch (11:00am)
Simple scrambled eggs with orange bell pepper, spinach and cheese.
Dinner (6:00pm)
A new recipe I was trying out, new potatoes, mushrooms and peas with a cheese wine sauce. It was quite good and I will be sharing the recipe soon.
Dessert (6:15pm)
My husband took me to Wildflour Cupcakes to get a treat. I had a chocolate peanut butter cupcake. We learned a interesting trick from Samar, the helpful girl at the counter, she suggested that we microwave the cupcakes for 20 to 30 seconds. It makes the cupcakes warm and gooey inside.
Wildflour’s Exterior
My Cupake
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Anyone for Unfried French Fries?
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on February 4, 2013Anyone that knows me fairly well knows that my weakness is french fries. I can’t resist them. My sister picked this french fry seasoning up for me at Sur La Table, www.SurLaTable.com . It helps me quench my craving for french fries. All you have to do is sprinkle this on some raw potatoes and add in a small amount of olive oil and bake them. I think they come out really yummy so I thought I’d share it with you.
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My Favorite Food to Freeze
I love to freeze avocado bought duing the summer when they are cheapest and most abundant. I put them in foodsaver bags when ripe (sliced) so I can have fresh avocado all year.
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My Favorite Exercise Videos
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 31, 2013
Usually, I go to the gym and take a cardio or yoga class. But if I do not have the time I like to use Tracy Anderson’s Mat Workout and Dance Cardio DVDs. Both of these videos always challenge me.
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Just a Few Reasons Fitness is Important
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 31, 2013 (reposted from 1/27/12 when we were a new blog)Source: health.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
I am really fortunate that my mom had me involved in sports from an early age. Fitness has been a given in my life ever since. When I was a kid, I used to think that theonly good thing about being in sports was the social aspect. I loved hanging out with friends. I started swimming competitively when I was 10 years old and some of the friends I met way back then are still some of my very best friends! Although being involved in sports activities can be a great way to meet people and socialize, there are also many health benefits. Here are just a few:
Aids in restful sleep
Increases metabolism
Improves body composition and bone density
Decreases risk for cardiovascular function
Improves self image
Longer and higher quality of life
Plus many more!
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How Kasper Gives Me That Extra Push to Reach Fitness Goals
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 31, 2013All of us have our exercise routines, or at least we try to have them. However, sometimes we fall short…maybe we work a little longer than usual or are feeling a little lazy and fall of the wagon. My back up plan is my dog Kasper. He ALWAYS stares at me, JUST AS HE IS IN THIS PICTURE until I take him for a walk. We usually walk about a mile and a half several times per week. He’s a great motivator! Everyone should have a back up plan…maybe jogging 30 minutes on the treadmill when it’s raining too hard to go to the gym, or popping in an exercise DVD when you may not want to get dressed and get out of the house, etc.
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Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred
Posted by Denise (Jennifer the RD’s sister) on January 31, 2013If I am short on time, I like Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred. It’s just 20 minutes of cardio and strength, and all you need is a mat and weights. Jilian also taps into the inner slacker in all of us by reminding us that walking up the stairs is not exercise, and that 400 pound people can do the exercises, so we have no excuse.
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WIAW #42
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 30, 2013
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I wanted to participate in the WIAW this week, but we are very busy with are One Year Anniversary Party this week, so I am just sharing my favorite meal from last Saturday. If you have time during the week, please stop by and check out our party. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
My husband always orders a combo that comes with these hard boiled eggs and I love them, so we share his egg.
Miso Ramen
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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My Favorite Meal After Over Indulging
Posted by Denise (Jennifer the RD’s sister) on January 29, 2013I always look forward to citrus season when the navel oranges ripen on the tree. I juice one large orange and half a banana, and add some ice in a blender for a quick pick me up. I also like a banana shake with nonfat milk, banana, some ice, about a tsp of ground flax seeds, and a tsp of peanut butter
I also like to add coconut water in smoothies to replace electrolytes
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What I Eat to Get Myself Back on Track
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 29, 2013Whenever I over eat, I spend a day just eating the following: pita bread, different types of hummus, and fruit. It’s simple, tasty, and I can get enough protein without eating any animal protein.
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Breaking Bad Habits
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 28, 2012 (Re-posted from 1/9/12, when we were a new blog)
There probably isn’t anyone on the face of the earth that does not have any bad habits. I was reading an article that discussed a new study by USC psychologists (published in the journal Pesonality and Social Psychology Bulletin), that helps explain why habits are so hard to break. In an experiment, the USC psychologists gave some movie theatre customers buckets of popcorn. Some of the buckets contained freshly popped popcorn and others contained week old, stale kernels.At the end of the movie, researchers measured the amount of popcorn eaten and by whom. It seems that the people that did not usually eat popcorn when watching a movie ate much less stale popcorn. However, those that routinely munched on popcorn while watching a movie ate the same amount of popcorn whether it was stale or fresh. It was a habit. Sounds discouraging, doesn’t it? According to the study, the movie theatre acted as a strong environmental cue that triggered an automatic eating behavior.
So, this may be why it is so hard to stop eating those cookies before we go to bed, or why we just can’t add those extra 20 minutes to our exercise routine. According to the study, changing environmental cues that enforce bad habits may help to break them. For example, eating food with your non dominant hand may disrupt habitual eating. In the study mentioned above, asking moviegoers to eat with their non dominant hand seemed to cause people to pay attention to what they were eating and eat less stale popcorn. I can recall a time when I was struggling with my exercise routine. I wanted to add a little more to my weekly regimen, but for some reason, I was so programmed to exercise for a certain amount of time before work, I just could not do it. So, I decided to break routine, and add a 1 hour walk with my dog 3 times a week so both of us could get more exercise. It worked beautifully! The lead author of the USC study, David Neal, stated that “…will power and good intentions are not enough, and we need to trick our brains by controlling the environment instead.”
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Most of us don’t even think about the small choices we make everyday that affect our health, weight and fitness level. All those small choices can lead to a healthier lifestyle from drinking more water to exercising even when you don’t feel like it.We all have obstacles in our life that we can’t control. But there is so much that is in our control.
Personally, I am aiming to make smart choices 80% of the time. Nobody is perfect. This little bit of freedom is helping me to pursue my goals. Whatever your personal goal is, don’t beat yourself up over small slip- ups. Success is a series of small choices. Try to focus on the big picture.
Remember to celebrate both small and large victories, while keeping the greater goals in sight.
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One Goal at a Time
Posted by Denise (Jennifer the RD’s sister) on January 28, 2013My idea for goal setting is to pick one new goal every year. Goal setting that is unrealistic never leads to success.
So, what I try to do is choose one new goal every year. Last year, I switched out all of my light bulbs to the “green,” energy efficient varieties. This year, I am buying only organic chicken. I typically buy a whole, organic chicken and cook it up and use it in various recipes.
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My Tips for Reaching Health and Lifestyle Goals
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 28, 2013I always used to think that if you wanted to succeed in anything, the best thing to do was to take control of the situation and do everything on your own. I’m a pretty stubborn person sometimes and don’t ask for help. However, over the last year, I’ve learned that friends and family can really help you reach goals, including your health and lifestyle goals. Above is a picture of Christina and I. We supported each other through that crazy 5K run. Increasing physical activity can be more fun when you involve friends!
Here are some ways to give or receive support from friends and family:
- exercise together
- help friends and family with meal preparation
- be a cheerleader along the way to reaching goals
- ask your friends or family if there is anything you can do to help them reach their goals
- swap healthy meal ideas or exercise routines; at work, I am trying to help my co-workers makeover some of their favorite, high fat recipes!
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This New Year Make Your Weight Loss Resolution a Success
by Stan Spencer (@DrStanSpencer)Most of us have dieted to lose weight, only to gain it back again within a few weeks or months. It isn’t that diets don’t work. It’s that they don’t last. Most diets are so unpleasant, inconvenient, boring, complex, or expensive that they are difficult to stick with for very long. When you quite the diet, the weight returns.
Think of excess fat as a collection of bad habits. Lose the habits and you will lose the fat. Each time you give up one of these bad habits (all other things being equal), you will lose fat until your body naturally settles at a lower weight. The key to making these habits stick and successfully keeping the weight off is to create your own weight loss plan—one custom made to fit your particular needs, abilities, and preferences. When designed correctly, this custom plan is your easiest path to a naturally thin lifestyle and body. While each person’s optimal plan is unique, every plan for permanent weight loss should have the following elements:
Personal Preferences
There is no single formula for natural, permanent weight loss. You don’t need to make yourself miserable. Eating yogurt can help you lose weight, but if you really don’t like yogurt, don’t include it in your plan. There are plenty of other things you can do to lose weight naturally.
Changes You Can Live With
Include in your plan only those things you are willing to make lifelong habits. Giving up desserts for a month to lose weight may accomplish that goal, but the lost weight will return just as soon as you start eating desserts again. A better approach might be to limit yourself to one dessert a day, with more allowed on a few special days, and to make it a lifelong habit. You’ll lose less weight, but the weight you lose won’t be coming back. Permanent weight loss requires permanent changes in habits.
Easy Ways to Control Emotional Eating
We often eat for emotional comfort, not because we are hungry. This is called emotional eating. The best way to prevent emotional eating is to learn how to regulate your emotions in other ways. These may include getting more social interaction or using techniques such as meditation or mindfulness to calm your emotions.
Quick Ways to Calm Cravings
Cravings for junk food can crush even the strongest resolve and wreck your attempts to lose weight. The key is not to have more willpower, but to know how to make the cravings weaker so the willpower you already have does the job. For example, taking a brisk, short walk has been shown in scientific studies to reduce chocolate cravings.
Smarter Exercise
Trying to lose weight by doing exercises you hate is a recipe for failure. Find ways to get exercise that you enjoy. Even better, exercise with someone else. You’ll stick with it longer. Do exercises that build muscle, not just burn calories directly. The new muscle will boost your metabolism so you burn more calories even while you’re sleeping.
Removing the Temptations at Home
It’s usually easier to remove temptations than to resist them. Get rid of the junk food in your house. Try to avoid places that tempt you to overeat. Stock your refrigerator with weight loss foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, nuts, and whole grains.
Making the Easiest Changes in Habits First
Your weight loss plan might include forming new habits such as meditating daily, eating more whole grains for breakfast, eating sweets only once a day, and exercising five days a week. Don’t try to develop all of your weight loss habits at once. Start with the ones that are easiest. After you have reaped the weight loss rewards of the easier habits you will have extra motivation to tackle habits that require more effort.
Not Expecting Quick or Immediate Results
It’s better to lose twenty pounds over the course of a year than to lose twenty pounds in a month then gain it all back. Changing habits takes time. You probably gained your extra weight slowly, one habit at a time. Let yourself lose it the same way. After two or three weeks with each new habit, it will begin to feel natural, and you will be a naturally thinner person.
So make a new plan for the new year—one that gives you the best chance of long term success.
Find more help for making your New Year’s weight-loss resolution a success inThe Diet Dropout’s Guide to Natural Weight Loss.
Stan Spencer, PhD, is a biological consultant, former research scientist, and author of The Diet Dropout’s Guide to Natural Weight Loss: Find Your Easiest Path to Naturally Thin (Fine Life Books, 2013). He lives in southern California and blogs on natural weight loss techniques at fatlossscience.org.
Thank you Dr Spencer for contributing to our blog party. If you are interested in losing weight, check out The Diet Dropout’s Guide to Natural Weight Loss by Stan Spencer, PhD. Here is our review.
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How to Stay Warm Without Turning on the Heater
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 25, 2013I have been super cold these days. Ever since I changed all the flooring to all wood, I am extra chilly during the winters. However, I hate turning on the heater too much because it dries me up like a raisin and also puts a dent in my pocketbook. Here are some tips for keeping warm without turning on the heater:
- Layer your clothes
- Wear a scarf. I have one in every color and LOVE all of them. Above is a picture of Kasper with his Christmas collar that keeps him warm. He doesn’t want to take it off even though the holidays are over.
- Put area rugs on your tile or wood floors
- Put some extra blankets on your bed
- Get a humidifier; humid air is supposedly warmer…I keep saying I’m going to do this, but just haven’t
- Use draftstopper underneath your doors
- Exercise or increase your activity
Any other ideas?
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WIAW #41
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 22, 2013
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from Monday. This week I am getting ready to return to school and I am trying to eat healthy since am still a little sick for the third week. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee from Starbucks and a banana.
AM Snacks (9:30am)
Roasted brussels sprouts.
Lunch (11:30am)
Asian peanut slaw salad and fried wonton with a apricot sauce a t Jin Jin Asian Diner in Tustin.
PM Snacks (all afternoon)
I still have a cough that just will not go away, so I was drinking plenty of my Ginger Honey Lemon Tea (Recipe Here).
Dinner (6:00pm)
We are having a bit of a heat wave, so we decided to pull out the grill and take advantage of the warm weather. Grilled chicken with brocoli and avocado.
And a picture of my sweetheart Tanner on his new bed.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Relief for Our Winter Dry Skin
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 21, 2013I don’t know about you, but I have been having a horrible time with dry skin for about a month. Even though it’s Southern California, I have had my heater on every single day and I’m drying myself out!!! My sister said she had a dry skin temporary cure. I tried it out and I wanted to share it with you. It involves exfoliation. I do exfoliate, but this trick did wonders.
First, buy a good exfoliator. My favorite has always been Kiehl’s Lavender Gently Exfoliating Body Scrub. When you are ready to jump in the shower, and not wet yet, use the exoliator. Once in the shower, repeat the process when your body is wet. It really did provide some temporary relief…for at least a few days. Give it a try!
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WIAW #40
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 16, 2013
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from Saturday. I still have a cold for the second week and now my husband does too. So that means lots of comfort food. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)
I started the day with coffee from Starbucks in my new reusable cup and toasted pumpkin bread.
AM Snacks (10:00am)
A honey crisp apple.
Lunch (11:45am)
A tasty kale salad from Green Bliss in Fullerton.
PM Snacks (1:30am)
A few chocolate almond clusters. Yum!
Dinner (5:45pm)
Homemade super quick chicken noodle soup (I will be posting my recipe next week).
Dessert (6:15pm)
My sister’s milk chocolate chip cookie.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
Healthy Uses for Your Leftover Chicken
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 11, 2012Have you ever made a whole chicken, or even bought a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store, without thinking of what you could possibly pair it with? I know I do. Those that know me well know that I usually “wing it” when it comes to meal preparation. Above is half of a shredded chicken in a pan getting ready to simmer (added a cup of water, 1/2 cup cilantro,and 1 tsp. of chicken soup base and simmered for about 20 minutes, uncovered). I have made use of this starter chicken in various ways.
Here are some ideas for using your leftover chicken:
- add it to a green salad
- use it for chicken soft tacos
- make some chicken enchiladas
- I like to use the above chicken in a chicken torta
- add it to a pasta or noodle dish (I add it to asian noodle dishes quite often)
- make some chicken soup (recipe to follow)
- many other uses…..
Does anyone else have any unique ideas?
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WIAW #39
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 9, 2013
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from Monday. I have a cold, so I am eating comfort food. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee and Noosa strawberry yogurt, Uncle Sam cereal and slivered almonds.
AM Snacks (10:30am)
A couple of kiwis, since they have more vitamin C than oranges.
Lunch (11:45am)
A very tasty bowl of chicken soup, make by my good friend Jennifer (the RD). And a open-faced grilled cheese with avocado. (Chicken Soup Recipe Here)
Dinner (5:30pm)
Homemade broccoli soup (recipe here) and a roast beef sandwich with cheese and tomato.
Dessert (6:30pm)
Homemade Nutella Hot Chocolate with whipped cream. So yummy!!! When you are sick you need to treat yourself. (I will be posting this recipe later in the month)
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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What is Your New Year’s Resolution?
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on January 7, 2013I was very set on not committing to any resolutions this year. I never do. However, a friend of mine came over for a visit and gave me a very convincing speech. Basically, we all have room for improvement. Despite it being the first of the year or half way through, we should always be looking for ways to improve. How could I argue with that? Last year, although I did not call it a New Year’s resolution, I did try to vary my exercise routine a bit. It has been so fun joining Jennifer and friends on the trail on Sundays since we also get to take our dogs! Above is a picture of my friends Christina, Carol, and I after a very muddy 5K run.
As for this year, my resolution is to get more sleep. I always tell people that I just can’t get myself organized enough to get to bed early. The truth is, I just don’t make it a priority. So, let’s see how I do!
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Would anyone else like to commit to something?
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Homemade Shower Bombs for a Cold
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 4, 2013I have been feeling a little under the weather lately and two remedies have helped me feel better. I have been drinking plenty of my Ginger Asian Pear Tea(recipe) and Homemade Shower Bombs made with Essential Oils.
Essential oils gently help with nasal congestion. So many different oils are helpful for a cold. I used lavender and eucalyptus because that is what I had on hand and it smelled great. Other opinions would be sandalwood, cedar wood, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, frankincense, hyssop, tea tree, lemon and pine. With so many choices, you can make up your own custom scent.
Ingredients (for 6 shower bombs):
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/3 cup water
- essential oils of your choice
- foil cupcake liners (paper sticks)
- spray olive oil
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Spray foil cupcake liners with olive oil.
- Combine baking soda and water in a mixing bowl.
- Divide mixture into 6 muffin cups.
- Liberally sprinkle with essential oils and gently blend with a fork.
- Bake for 20 minutes.
- Carefully remove from muffin tin, while still warm.
- After cooling completely, add a few more drops of essential oil to each.
- Storage in airtight container.
- To used, place on shower floor just before getting into the shower.
- Enjoy.
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WIAW #38
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on January 1, 2013

This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee, in my new mug I received as a Christmas gift. And my husband made scrambled eggs with herbs and cheese and chicken sausages.
Lunch (1:00pm)
A deconstructed stuffed cabbage casserole. It is not very pretty but it is really tasty.
Dinner (6:00pm)
We had prime rib with cream spinach and au gratin potatoes.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Moroccan Cuisine… Give it a Try!
(Bisteeya, a Moroccan meat pie)
Posted by Jennifer (The RD) on December 27, 2012♥ ♥
WIAW #37
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 26, 2012
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee and scrambled eggs with cheese and avocado.
Lunch (1:00pm)
A chicken breast I made the day before.
Dinner (6:00pm)
We stopped for a quick meal at Whittier Peruvian and I had my favorite dish Lomo Saltado.
Dessert (7:00pm)
Homemade red velvet cupcake.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
“Wow” Them at the Holiday Party
Posted by Jennifer (The RD) on December 24, 2012Tis the season for holiday parties. It is always difficult to decide what to bring. Chips and dip? Holiday pies? Christmas cookies? These are all great ideas, but the dishes that get the most attention are those that are just a little different. Above are pictures of a couple of dishes that I enjoyed during the holidays….Moroccan flatbread and spicy Korean tofu soup. So, before you consider stopping by Marie Callender’s for the usual pumpkin pie, how about something a little different?
Happy Holidays!!!!
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The Health Benefits of Ginger
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 22, 2012
Source: Uploaded by user via Pretty on Pinterest
Fresh ginger is one of my favorite culinary delights. Ginger is so tasty in so many different types of dishes from sweet to savory. Ginger is an incredible herb that you can feel good about eating because it is so full of health benefits.
Ginger has been used by traditional Indian and Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-oxidant and contains a small amount of analgesic properties.
- Acts as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of allergies.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Helps to prevent and treat nausea and motion sickness.
- Reduces arthritis caused by joint pain.
- Improves digestion by increasing absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients.
- Clears throat and nasal congestion
- Prevents and treats ulcers by inhibiting the bacteria H. pylori.
- Effective against E. coli induced diarrhea.
- Helps to prevent or treat diabetes by lowering blood sugar, cholesterol, blood fats and protect nerves.
- Increases appetite.
- Helps to reduce gas.
- Improves mood and reduces stress.
These are just a few of the many benefits of ginger. Ginger is a great addition to many dishes but an easy way to add ginger to your diet is to make a tea with ginger. Add a tablespoon of peeled, sliced ginger to boiling water and flavor with fresh lemon and honey. Or go ahead and have that piece of gingerbread.
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WIAW #36
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 19, 2012

Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from last Sunday. This day, I was busy preparing for finals so all my meals were at home. Today I have my last final, I can’t remember ever having final this late in the year. Tonight I will be celebrating! Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee and it was so good I almost forgot to take a picture. My husband made me a couple of poached eggs with a little cheese.
Lunch (1:00pm)
I pick-up these sandwiches about once a week from a Japanese bakery in Tustin called Cream Pan. I love these simple finger sandwiches, they come boxed with four different sandwiches; turkey, tuna, egg salad and ham. Also, I had some homemade broccoli soup that I made earlier in the week.
Dinner (6:00pm)
I took a break from studying to make dinner. Pea and pancetta pasta, good old comfort food.
Dessert (7:00pm)
I had one of the best cinnamon rolls I have ever had. A friend of mine has a cinnamon roll business, Susie’s Sinnamon Rolls. And she surprised me by sending me a dozen, I am so lucky! Yum!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Food Trends for 2013
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 17, 2012Americans are looking to make smarter choices when cooking and shopping. Many of the 2013 food trends reflex the changes in attitude.
These are some of the trends in food to look for in 2013
1. Cooking With Tea, in sweet and savory dishes.
Source: blogs.yogajournal.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
2. Boozy Desserts, simple desserts are being reinvented for mature taste.
Source: tasteologie.notcot.org via Jennifers on Pinterest
3. Popcorn, a popped whole grain can be sweet or savory.
Source: bookcooking.net via Harlee on Pinterest
4. Better Burger Buns, look for more variety.
Source: allrecipes.com via Jenn on Pinterest
5. Sour Flavors, moving beyond sweet, salty and creamy. Look for pickled vegetables and a kimchi to be used in unexpected ways.
Source: bestronglifestyle.com via Carrie n Shawn on Pinterest
6. Ramen, gone are the MSG filled packaged soup. This flavorful Japanese staple will grow in popularity.
Source: delish.com via Carla on Pinterest
7. Vegetables Becoming the Star of the Meal, the popularity of meatless meals will continue to grow.
8. Ancient Grains as Snacks; look for quinoa, amaranth and more to show up in the snack section of your local market.
Source: iheartkeenwah.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
9. Powdered Alternatives to Popular Health Trends, such as powdered coconut water that could be added to smoothie and powdered chia seeds that could be used to replace flour in baked goods or it could be sprinkled over cereal or yogurt.
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WIAW #35
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 12, 2012

Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from last Sunday. This day was busy, I attended a Christmas party and I forgot my camera so I apologize for the terrible pictures. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee from our local Starbuck’s. The baristas are so sweet, Sarah left a message on my cup. Followed by an apple before my usual Sunday hike.
AM Snacks (10:30am)
Susan’s Sweet and Salty Pecans. Yum! (Recipe here)

If you are interested in participating with a guest post, contact us for details!
Come share in all the fun!
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Exercising With Your Dog

- What is the appropriate amount of exercise my dog should be getting?
- Are there any breed specific limitations my dog may have such as heat intolerance or joint problems?
- Do I live in an area that may be too hot or too cold to be outdoors all year round?
- Are there any other precautions I should consider?
Here are some exercise ideas for your dog:
- play fetch
- take your dog for a swim
- go for a jog or walk with your dog
- have your dog participate in agility training
- try slowly getting your dog used to the treadmill…like Shri!
(must be careful to constantly supervise your dog)
Have a great time exercising with your dogs!!!!!
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The Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 7, 2012Source: iloveswmag.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
As a water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C is important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease. The body does not produce water-soluble vitamins; they must be obtained through diet. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C recommended by the Institute of Medicine for adult women is 75 milligrams and for adult males 90 milligrams.
Vitamin C has many benefits, such as growth and repair of tissue such as skin, bone, cartilage, muscle, blood vessels and aids in wound healing. Also, it is a highly effective antioxidant helping to block damage caused by free radicals. In addition, vitamin C helps to prevent heart disease by cleaning arteries and enables healthy blood flow. And contributes to mood elevation and plays a critical role in brain function. Moreover, studies have shown that increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables have been associated with a reduced risk of most types of cancer. Vitamin C also reduces the severity of cataracts and is helpful in the prevention of gout. Lastly, vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron.
Vitamin C is essential to good health, working foods containing it is easy and tasty. Fruits and vegetables are the richest natural sources of vitamin C.
Fruits containing a high source of vitamin C:
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cranberries
- Guava
- Kiwi
- Mango
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
Vegetables containing a high source of vitamin C:
- Bell Peppers
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Spinach
- Sweet Potatoes
- Tomatoes
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WIAW #34
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 5, 2012
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from last Saturday. Finals are quickly approaching so my weekends are very low key. I hope you enjoy my day. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:30am)
I started the day with coffee, before heading out for breakfast. We went to Euro Pane in Pasadena and I had my favorite Egg Salad Sandwich. What a treat.

Lunch (11:45am)
Homemade french onion soup.
PM Snacks (2:00pm)
Beer bread and kale.
Dinner (5:30pm)
Taco pie with avocado.
Dessert (6:30pm)
I wanted something sweet badly and I was inspired by Shannon at Healthiful Balances Banana Bread Cookies. At the moment, I am working on cleaning out my over flowing pantry, so I wanted to work with what I had. I sort of experimented with bananas, almond meal, sunflower butter, vanilla, baking soda and chocolate chips. My cookies ended up tasting great but looking terrible because they came out of the oven green. After some research, I found baking soda or powder react with the chlorophyll in the sunflower butter turning the cookies green.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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5 Reason Soup Is Good For You
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on December 3, 2012Source: dusanzidarfoto.blogspot.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
Homemade soup makes a quick, easy, nutritious and a hot filling meal. With a little creativity the possibilities of soup varieties are endless. Making soup can be a good way to use up leftovers or cleaning our your pantry. Best of all, soup is an excellent way to work more vegetable into your diet.
- Broth-based soups are low in fat and calories helping with weight control.
- Soups create a feeling of fullness helping with appetite control.
- Soups that are full of vegetables offer an immune system boost.
- Soups warming energy is comforting.
- A large pot of soup is very cost-effective. One pot provide several meals and you only need to clean the kitchen once.
So get creative and cook up some soup.
Here are a few ideas:
The best minestrone soup I have ever had! Recipe here.
White Bean & Mushroom Soup Recipe Here
Do you have a favorite soup recipe?
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My Favorite Uses for Butternut Squash
I just got my weekly box of organic fruits and vegetables. I see that it’s time for me to start cooking more butternut squash. Yum! Here are some ways I like to prepare it:
- Cut up and roasted (with olive oil, garlic salt, and pepper); also roasts well with herbs such as thyme, rosemary, etc.
- Butternut squash soup – a classic (it’s actually my sister that makes this for us and it is always good)
- Roasted with other winter squash and cooled, then mixed in with a salad – MY FAVORITE USE
- Sauteed squash mixed into hot pastas
- Mixed into chili (my sister makes this for us too)
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WIAW #33
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 28,2012

This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:30am)Since the kitchen was already busy, we ran out to Starbucks to pick-up coffee for everyone. And we brought pastries from one of our favorite bakeries. I had a very tasty pastry that was sort a combination of a sugar donut and a croissant.
AM Snacks (11:00am)
Unpictured – I think we ate so quickly, I completely forgot to take a picture.
We snacked on homemade guacamole (my husband’s specialty) and chips.
Dinner (4:00pm)
For Thanksgiving dinner I had turkey with gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, brussels sprouts, asparagus, sweet potatoes and rolls. There were other dishes I skipped, my mom cooked for about 20 people but we are a small family of 5.
Dessert (7:00pm)
Pumpkin pie, of course. My sister made the pie and it was very tasty.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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‘Tis the Season for Giving
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on November 26, 2012Above is a pile of scarves and blankets that I have gathered from friends and family to donate to the homeless during the holidays. I have been doing it for a few years now, and unfortunately, the need grows greater every year. There are a surprising number of people with small children that are homeless. It is heartbreaking. So, I encourage all of you to give a little during this holiday season.
You may think that you can’t make a difference, but believe me, you can! I have a story for you. My boss looked to me for ideas for our annual holiday meal that we give out to our patients. Traditionally, we gave them a meal to eat, but I got the idea from another dietitian to give each patient a whole rotisserie chicken to take home and enjoy with their family. On the day of the chicken giveaway, I complained all day about fighting traffic while driving back and forth to pick up the chickens, re-packaging each one for each patient, and especially for the mess I made out of my clothing with all of the chicken drippings. I felt miserable and couldn’t wait to come up with an easier idea for Christmas. Then, a patient said that he was not planning on doing anything for Thanksgiving up until the moment he received the chicken…now he had something to eat with his family. I cried when I got home. So before you think you can’t make a difference, I’m telling you that you can. It looks like chickens again for Christmas. You better believe there will be no more complaining from me!
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The Health Benefits of Turkey
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 23, 2012Source: williams-sonoma.com via Katy on Pinterest
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I think the reason I love Thanksgiving is because it is a relaxed holiday centered on a great meal shared with family and friends. Another reason to love Thanksgiving is the leftover turkey.
After indulging in turkey, you can feel good about its health benefits. Turkey is a good source of protein and essential amino acids. Lean, white turkey meat is low in calories, sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat compared to other meats.
- Helps to maintain healthy function of thyroid and immune system with selenium.
- Boosts antioxidant defense system by helping to eliminate cancer-friendly free radicals with selenium.
- Promotes in the formation of red blood cells with the vitamins B6 and B12.
- Maintains healthy brain function and normal nerve function with vitamin B6.
- Helps to break down and digest protein with vitamin B6.
- Lowers bad cholesterol with vitamin B3.
- Improves mood and promotes sleep with the amino acid tryptophan.
- Promotes cell and tissue repair and growth with zinc and selenium.
- Improves blood flow with arginine.
With a little imagination your leftover turkey will be gone in no time. Turkey can be used in sandwiches, soups, salads, omelets, curries, potpies and casseroles. Naturally low in fat and calories turkey is a healthy addition to your diet year round.
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WIAW # 32
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 21, 2012

This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)
I started the day with coffee and a power crunch protein bar.
Cleopatra: The Exhibition at the California Science Center.
Lunch (1:30pm)
At the Daily Dose in downtown Los Angeles, I had a wonderful latte with a ham and cheese sandwich called The Taylor and finished with a chocolate chip cookie.
Rosanne and Augie
Dinner (6:00pm)
Quick tofu tacos from Wahoos.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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This Holiday Season Give Yourself the Gift of Laughter
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 19, 2012Source: theworldofaclassylady.tumblr.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
The holidays are a wonderful time of year but it can also be a very stressful time. One of the best ways to reduce stress during the holidays is to find some “me time” everyday and try to laugh. Laugh about your day or something on TV; it does not really matter as long as you enjoy it.
Laughing has many health benefits both long and short term. Short term, laughing soothe tension by stimulating circulation which promotes muscle relaxation. Laughing increases the amount of endorphins released by the brain, which boost your mood. Laughter increases your heart rate and blood pressure causing you to feel relaxed after.
Laughter long-term improves your immune system by improving your mood with positive thoughts helping to reduce stress. Personal satisfaction is increased because laughter makes it easier to cope with difficult situations. Laughter causes your body to produce its own natural painkiller.
This holiday season laugh at life’s little annoyances and try to find the humor in difficult situations. Remember laughter is the best medicine.
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WIAW #31
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 14, 2012

This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:30am)
I started the day with coffee and a pumpkin smoothie ( my recipe).
AM Snacks (10:00am)
A pink lady apple and pumpkin seeds.
Lunch (11:30am)
A small green salad topped and a Greek turkey burger at the Orange Tree Deli.
PM Snacks (2:00pm)
Cheddar Cheese.
Dinner (5:30pm)
Grilled fish with tomato slices and coleslaw at The Crab Cooker.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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What is an Eggling?

Meet my Basil Eggling. I got this as a gift from my friend Kyoko and wanted to share it with you. It’s a really cute way to start a mini herb garden. A porcelain egg comes in a really cute, nicely designed box. All you have to do is crack the top of the egg, add water daily, and watch your herbs grow. It is really easy and looks awesome on your window sill. I think it is also a great gift for the cook in your life. You can find more gifts like these at: www.eggling.com
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The Health Benefits of Butternut Squash
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 9, 2012
Source: youbeauty.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
Butternut Squash is a popular seasonal vegetable that is loaded with nutrients and many health benefits. This squash is part of the gourd family like pumpkins, melons and cucumbers. It is technically a fruit because it contains seeds.
Butternut Squash is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. The tangerine hue of its flesh signals an abundance of nutrients. This squash is low in fat and calories and is high in fiber.
- One of the best sources of four carotenoids: Alpha-Carotene, Beta-Carotene, Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which offer a multitude of benefits from cancer prevention and protection from heart disease.
- Promotes healthy skin and eyes with Vitamin A.
- Protects the body from free radicals and prevents damage to healthy cells with Antioxidants.
- Helps to regulate the digestive tract and lowers cholesterol with Fiber.
- Improves bone health with a significant amount of Potassium and Calcium.
- Boosts the immune system with Vitamin C and Zinc.
- Helps to reduce depression with Folate.
- Promotes proper function of nervous and immune systems with Vitamin B6.
- Promotes vision health with Lutein.
Butternut Squash can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Since it is loaded with nutrients and has so many health benefits it is worth trying to work it into your diet this fall and winter. Butternut Squash can be used to replace pumpkin and sweet potatoes in any recipe. An added benefit of roasting the squash, your house will be filled with its nutty, buttery smell, making your house smell like fall.
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WIAW #30
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on November 6, 2012

Lunch (11:30am)
A chicken panini at Rae G Cafe.
Dinner (5:30pm)
A half curry chicken salad with mushroom soup at the Gypsy Den. All so tasty!
Dessert (7:00pm)
Melon. Yum!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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My Favorite Uses for Edamame

I teach a vegetarian class and was recently discussing how versatile soy protein is. One of the easiest soy foods to incorporate into your menus is edamame, especially since it is not only inexpensive, but now comes unshelled. Here are some of my favorite uses for edamame:
- in salads
- in soups
- blended up into a cracker spread
- in fried rice (one of my favorite uses)
- in casseroles
- in sandwich wraps
Does anyone else want to share some of their creative ideas?
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WIAW #29
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on October 31, 2012
Hello, Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday and Happy Halloween!! I am sharing my meals from Tuesday. I am very busy with school right now, so my meal are quick and simple. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
Hope you have more treats than tricks today! Have a Spooky Halloween. 🙂
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:30am)
I started the day with coffee and my sweet husband made me a cheese omelette with avocado.
Lunch (11:30am)
A green salad topped with egg salad, tuna salad and chicken salad at the Orange Tree Deli. This was my first visit to this deli and I know it will not be my last.
PM Snacks (2:00pm)
Peanut Butter Puffins.
Dinner (5:30pm)
A homemade steak salad. YUM!
Dessert (7:00pm)
Baked apple slices with honey, cinnamon and nutmeg topped with fat free ricotta cheese. Very Tasty! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Exercise DVD Recommendation for Someone Who is New to Exercise
Source: amazon.com via Kerri on Pinterest
Posted by Jennifer (The RD) on October 29, 2012
This is an exercise DVD I bought for my mom. It is a really great DVD for those who may not be used to really intense activity, or even senior citizens. The difficulty level is fairly low, but it is still great aerobic exercise. My mom has recommended it to her friends. I also recommend it to patients and people I know that may benefit from it.
Although it is a walking video, it requires little space so it can even be done in a small apartment. The DVD also incorporates some upper body exercise too. I like to take long walks with my mom, but she always uses this DVD when we are unable to walk or when the weather is bad and we can’t go out. I highly recommend it. If there is someone out there that you think may benefit from it, it might make a good Christmas gift! 🙂
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WIAW #28
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on October 23, 2012
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee and a strawberry and cheese croissant from the Gypsy Den.
AM Snack (9:00am)
Lunch (11:30am)
My favorite salad at Rae G in Brea , the chef salad.
PM Snacks (2:00pm)
Dinner (5:00pm)
A pumpkin smoothie with flax seeds. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!

Arare is a yummy and crunchy Japanese soy sauce flavored bite sized rice cracker. They are in fun shapes such as the one above. I used to love the flower shaped ones when I was a kid. It is eaten as a snack like one would eat any other cracker. The great news about these crackers are that most varieties have very little fat. The bad news is that they are high in sodium. They are an extremely popular snack food in Hawaii where you can purchase them at the movies or find them mixed into bags of microwave popcorn.
I am submitting a cookie recipe at the blog party that uses arare as part of its ingredients. It is a recipe from Hawaii that I received from Lani, my friend Monika’s mother. Although it is not low in fat, is super tasty and has wonderful texture. It is a great indulgence. Arare can be found in Japanese and other asian markets. If you live in an area with lots of Asians, you may also be able to find it in the Asian section of your local supermarket. 🙂
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WIAW #27
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on October 17, 2012
Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from last Saturday. On this day I attended a doggie birthday party. The party was for Jennifer’s (the RD) dog, Kasper. I hope you enjoy my day. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
Please stop by Jenmi Jenmi on Saturday the 20th; we are having a Recipe Swap Blog Party in honor of our 200th post. (Invitation)
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee and a egg baked with Boursin cheese.
Lunch (11:30pm)
We had lunch at Kasper’s birthday party. The dogs we so excited, I never got a good picture of them. So I am sharing a photo from a previous party. We had lasagna, broccoli salad and a wonderful sandwich. To drink we had homemade strawberry lemonade. For dessert we all had cupcakes from Sprinkles. I had a cinnamon cupcake, which was super tasty. And the dogs had Sprinkles “doggie cupcakes” and they polished them off. 🙂
Kasper, the birthday boy
Doggie Cupcakes from Sprinkles
Dinner (6:30pm)
For Dinner, we tried a new restaurant The Burger Parlor in Fullerton. I had the Burger Bowl, a salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bacon with blue cheese dressing topped with a burger. My husband and I shared baked potato fries topped with sour cream and scallions. We have found our new favorite burger place.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Bamboo Workout Clothing
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on October 15, 2012My mom bought me this bamboo workout shirt, and I ignored it for days. I was busy and never tried it out. But when I did, WOW! I would highly recommend bamboo workout shirts for the following reasons:
- They are extremely comfortable. They feel as light as a feather and are so easy to move in!
- They don’t really soak up your sweat, which makes for a very comfortable exercise session.
- From what I’ve read, bamboo has a built in anti-bacterial factor to it.
So, give one a try and see if you like it. The particular brand that I have is ALO. For those of you that live in the LA area, there is a warehouse in Commerce that does sample sales once in a while. They sell their exercise clothing fo $5. It’s a great deal, considering they retail for at least $40.
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WIAW #26 & Counting
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 10, 2012
Hello, WIAWers. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from Saturday and we finally got a break from the heat, so food sounds good again. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
This months theme is “Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats”. This day I attended a haunted house and now I am in the mood for Halloween.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with iced coffee from Starbucks and protein bar before my tennis class.
Brunch (11:00pm)
Since returning to tennis a few weeks ago, my husband and I have made stopping by the Gypsy Den a habit. And we have been ordering the same dishes, the bread plate and the spinach and feta scramble to share.
Dinner (6:30pm)
Once a year we go up to Pasadena for hamburgers and a haunted house. Sometimes we go with a group of friends and other times we go alone. This year, we went alone. We at dinner at Pie ‘N Burger, a place I have been going to since I was a child and it has not changed a bit. I had a hamburger with grilled onion and we shared my husbands favorite macaroni salad and a chocolate malt. They have really good pies but we were to full this trip. But the highlight of the night was our annual trip to the Pasadena Old Town Haunt. We had so much fun, it was scary but not too much. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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The Health Benefits of Pecans
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on October 8, 2012Source: ubiquitousfoodcravings.tumblr.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
As Halloween and Thanksgiving approach, I starting thinking about desserts filled with pecans. Fall is harvest season for pecans. They are from the hickory family and they are the only tree nuts native to North America.
These nutritious nuts are high in protein, fiber and unsaturated fat. Pecans contain vitamin A, B, E and folic acid and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
- Reduces bad cholesterol levels with plant sterols.
- Helps to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.
- Enhances satiety and increases metabolism, which aids in weight loss.
- Protects the body from free radical damage with antioxidants.
- Helps to maintain healthy skin, hair and muscle tone with vitamin A, B and E.
Think of adding pecans to your regular diet, not just holiday desserts. Pecans can easily be added to oatmeal or topping yogurt. Also, pecans add a nice nutty crunch to chicken salad and tuna salad. Get creative and add these healthy nuts to your diet.
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WIAW #25
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on October 3, 2012
Hello, everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from Tuesday and it is a rather boring day food-wise because we have had temperatures in the low 100’s and I have been suffering with a sinus infection so not much taste good to me. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
I love the new theme “Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats”. This week, I don’t have any to share but maybe next week after my visit to a haunted house I will feel inspired. 🙂
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with coffee and my new favorite smoothie.
Lunch (2:00pm)
My cheesy caramelized onion egg bake with avocado and salsa. For recipe.
Dinner (6:30pm)
My favorite smoothie again, I just did not want to warm the house up anymore by cooking.
Banana Peach & Flax Seed Smoothie | |
1. Combine all ingredients in blender. | |
2. Blend all ingredients for 1 to minutes until smooth. | |
3. If smoothie is not thick enough add 3 to 6 large ice cubes. | |
4. Blend again until combined. | |
5. Enjoy this tasty treat! | |
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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What is Jidori Chicken?
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on October 1st, 2012As those of you that live in the Los Angeles area already know, Jidori chicken is becoming extremely popular. The Jidori chicken is much more common in Japan and is translated as “Chicken of the earth.” These chickens are extremely fresh, free range, vegetarian fed chickens that have a very pleasant, fresh flavor as opposed to their frozen counterparts. Above is a picture of the Jidori chicken with a shiso pesto that I had at Yamashiro in Hollywood. 🙂
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The Health Benefits of Pumpkin
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 28, 2012Source: google.com via West Chester-Liberty on Pinterest
Fall is my favorite season and it always means pumpkin season to me. Pumpkins are in the gourd family and they have less starch and less sugar than other squashes. Pumpkin are chocked full of vitamins and minerals and they are low in calorie, low in fat and high in fiber.
Pumpkins bright orange flesh is a dead give away that they are full of beta-carotene. In addition, they are a good source of vitamin C, K and E and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc.
- Promotes healthy skin with vitamins A, C and E.
- Boosts immune system with Vitamin C and Zinc.
- Promotes strong bones with potassium.
- Reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease with vitamin C and potassium.
- Reduces bad cholesterol levels with fiber.
- Promotes healthy digestion and aids in weight loss.
- Controls blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
- Promotes vision health with carotenoids and lutein.
Pumpkins are so versatile; they can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Both fresh and canned offer so many health benefits, plus they are delicious and easy to prepare. Of course, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and pumpkin lattes are tasty and traditional for the season. Also try adding pumpkin to healthy dishes like oatmeal, protein smoothies or just roasted. One of my favorite pumpkin dishes is turkey pumpkin chili. Experiment with pumpkin and you might just find a new favorite.
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WIAW #24
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 25, 2012
9/5/12 Goals:
My three fall goals are: 1) Return to Sunday marketing and cooking for the week. 2) Continue with my workout plan, trying to improve each week. 3) Stay organized and ahead of the game with all school work.
9/12/12 Goals:
My new fall goals are: 1) Eat two pieces of fruit each day. 2) Study at least 1 hour Monday thur Friday. 3) Track water intake.
Above are the goals I created for the month. So far so good, my goals are helping stay organized through the week. The only goal I am having trouble sticking to is my fruit goal, some days are better than others. 🙂
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with a quick breakfast of coffee and a chocolate protein shake for the road.
AM Snack (9:00am)
String cheese.
Lunch (11:30am)
My favorite salad at Green2Go, the roasted chicken salad.
PM Snacks (2:00pm)
Walnuts and roasted asparagus.
Dinner (5:30pm)
A seared ahi salad from California Fish Grill. It was tasty but a little to salty for me.
Dessert (7:00pm)
I shared a “Marvelous Milk Chocolate” cupcake with my husband. We stopped by Casey’s Cupcakes in Laguna Beach and we had a hard time choosing because they were all so beautiful. And it was as good as it looks. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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How to Make Iced Tea
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on September 21, 2012Have you ever tried to make iced tea at home that ended up tasting too bitter? It may be because you steeped the tea too long. If you steep for too long, high levels of tannin and caffeine end up in your final product, resulting in bitterness. So, here are some guidelines for making a gallon of iced tea:
- Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil.
- Add 8 tea bags or ½ cup loose tea leaves to the 2 quarts of water
- Steep 2- 4 minutes, NO LONGER
- When the tea is cool, add 2 quarts of cold water and/or ice and enjoy
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WIAW #23
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 19, 2012
9/5/12 Goals:
My three fall goals are: 1) Return to Sunday marketing and cooking for the week. 2) Continue with my workout plan, trying to improve each week. 3) Stay organized and ahead of the game with all school work.
9/12/12 Goals:
My new fall goals are: 1) Eat two pieces of fruit each day. 2) Study at least 1 hour Monday thur Friday. 3) Track water intake.
Above are the goals I created for the month. These goals are helping me to stay more organized. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
Continuing with the extended birthday celebration, I started the day at the Early Bird, with coffee (un-pictured) and a shared orange whip YUM. To eat I had a “Rockwell Omelet” that has sausage, roasted peppers, mushroom and goat cheese that come with extra crispy hash browns and a roasted tomato. My husband had duck hash, that he loved .
Lunch (1:00pm)
A pink lady apple.
Dinner & Dessert (4:00 pm)
An early dinner at one of my favorite places in Los Angeles, Clementine’s. We shared a “Caprese Salad”, easily the best one I have ever had. I ordered a “Sloppy Joe” that was so good I could not even wait to take a photo. 🙂 And my husband had a chicken sandwich called the “Fernando”. For dessert, we shared a piece of their banana cake and it was wonderful!!!!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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Back-Up Exercise Plans
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on September 17, 2012In my years of working with patients that struggle to get on a regular exercise routine, the most common excuse I hear is, “I’ll start exercising when it gets……(insert “colder,” or “warmer”). ” Well, if we all waited for perfect weather to exercise, most of us would not get much in at all. It would be nice if we all lived somewhere where the weather was good every day, but that’s not in the cards for most of us. So, I always tell people that if they enjoy exerising outdoors, that’s just fine, but that they should always have a back up plan. Here are some ideas for exercising indoors when the weather does not cooperate:
- get on the treadmill or other piece of exercise equipment if you have any
- see if you can get your hands on a free pass to the gym; lots of gyms give these out, thinking you’ll commit to a membership
- pop in your favorite exercise DVD…there are so many fun ones out there!
- invest in a jump rope
- buy some warm clothes if the weather is a little too chilly
- exercise early in the morning or in the later evening if it’s too warm during the day
Any other suggestions from anyone else?…..
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WIAW #22
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 12, 2012
Last Weeks Goals:
My three fall goals are: 1) Return to Sunday marketing and cooking for the week. 2) Continue with my workout plan, trying to improve each week. 3) Stay organized and ahead of the game with all school work.
This Weeks Goals:
My new fall goals are: 1) Eat two pieces of fruit each day. 2) Study at least 1 hour Monday thur Friday. 3) Track water intake.
Hope you enjoy my day, these are my eats from last Saturday. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day at the Gypsy Den, with my new favorite drink a cafe francais. To eat I had a spinach scramble with fresh fruit and my husband and I shared the bread platter that comes with greek yogurt, homemade jam, honeycomb, homemade almond butter and banana. I can not eat here without ordering the bread, they bake their own bread. 🙂
Am Snack (11:00am)
A very sweet white peach.
Lunch (1:00pm)
Cashews and a Pink Lady apple.
Dinner (5:00 pm)
At BCD Tofu House, I had mild mushroom soon tofu soup. The soup is accompanied by many condiments and I honestly don’t know what most of them are. There is always a egg, potatoes, white rice, kimchi, peppers and other assorted condiments. . I like the potatoes and rice but I skip most of the others because they are too spicy for me. I really like the soup, it took me a couple of tries before I found a dish I really liked but now I am hooked.
Dessert (9:00pm)
A real treat, I can’t tell you the last time I had 31 Flavors. I love chocolate ice cream, so I ordered a single scoop of World Class Chocolate. YUM!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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The Health Benefits of Apples
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 10, 2012Source: melzinha1234.tumblr.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
Fall is almost here, which makes me think of apple season. Most years, I plan a trip to the local apple farms. There is always are large variety of apple to sample, hot cider to drink and apple donuts to be eaten. Fall is my favorite time of year and this is just one of my autumn rituals. One of the best benefits of this ritual is that it reminds me to work apples to into my daily diet.
Not only are apples a sweet and juicy treat, they are packed full of many nutritional benefits. Apples are a good source of fiber, low in calorie and are packed with vitamin like vitamin C and vitamin A.
- Boosts immune system with the antioxidant vitamin C.
- Increases bone strength and density with the flavonoid phloridzin.
- Helps with weight loss because apples are loaded with fiber and water, which helps to keep you feeling full.
- Reduces tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria in the mouth.
- Prevent cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol and improving the function of blood vessels.
- Prevents gallstones by removing excess cholesterol in the bile.
- Decreases the development of type 2 diabetes by helping to control blood sugar swings.
- Controls diarrhea and constipation by regulating water in the colon.
- Neutralizes irritable bowel syndrome.
- Prevents hemorrhoids by preventing constipation.
Apple season is just starting, if you have the opportunity to visit a apple farm this season do. And take advantage of all the health benefits apples have to offer.
Apple areas in southern California:
Oak Glen – http://www.oakglen.net/
Julian – http://www.julianca.com/
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What is Plantation Iced Tea?
Picture of the Plantation Iced Tea I had in Wailea, Maui in August
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on September 8, 2012Whenever my family goes to Hawaii, we always look forward to having Plantation Iced Tea. It s a perfect blend of pineapple and iced tea. It is NEVER too sweet, really tasty, and is the most refreshing thirst quencher. For some reason, I only find it served in Hawaii. But, of course you can make it at home. I found a good recipe that I will be sharing next week…stay tuned!
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WIAW #22
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on September 5, 2012
My three fall goals are: 1) Return to Sunday marketing and cooking for the week. 2) Continue with my workout plan, trying to improve each week. 3) Stay organized and ahead of the game with all school work.
Hope you enjoy my day. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with a coffee (blurry as always 🙂 ) and NuGo bar and a apple. I used a recycled picture here, after my coffee I guess I forgot to take any pictures. I do have class early in the morning and I always feel rushed.
Am Snack (10:00am)
A few kiwis sliced and peeled.
Lunch (1:00pm)
I was lucky to have the time to grab some lunch at the Early Bird Cafe. We started with homemade potato chips with an onion dip. that was so good. And a super tasty cobb salad.
Dinner (6:00 pm)
A simple homemade dinner of baked chicken, roasted brussel sprouts and steamed cauliflower.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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A New Reason to Take a Walk on Your Lunch Break!
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on September 3, 2012
Just the other day, I went shoe shopping and came across an interesting find. I bought a pair of Cole Haan shoes that had Nike Air technology in them…so comfortable! In my opinion, you don’t have to change in to your sneakers to take that afternoon walk at the office. They are a little pricey, but I was able to find a pair at DSW for about $50. I believe they retail for over $100. You can now exercise in style on your lunch break!
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WIAW #20
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on August 29, 2012
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with a coffee and smoothie made with chia, coconut milk, almond butter, flax seeds, frozen bananas, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Lunch (12:00am)
I attended a company picnic at Whittier Narrow Recreational Area for family and friends. I forgot to take a picture of my plate, so the plate below belonged to someone else. I had carne asada, bean dip, veggies and chips. Everything was tasty and it was a fun event.
Picnic Tables
The Grillers
Jennifer (the RD)
Dog Party
Dinner (5:30 pm)
My husband grilled some chicken for the week and I had a piece. It was good as always, I am lucky he is such a good cook. 🙂 This evening I attended a concert at the House of Blues in Anaheim with a few friends. We saw The Wiseguys, they played old big band music. I had never seen them before and they were really good. It was a fun night!
House of Blues
The Wiseguys
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
Here is a link to my exercise log for the week.
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Elements of a Good Salad
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on August 23, 2012I don’t know about all of you, but I find it harder and harder to find a good salad at a restaurant. Most are either really boring and not aesthetically pleasing, or not as fresh as I would like. The last good salad I had was the grilled chicken salad at the Tommy Bahama restaurant ( www.tommybahama.com ) on Maui which was topped with roma tomatoes, maytag bleu cheese, apples, macadamia nuts, Nueske’s bacon, corn, and a honey lime vinaigrette. It was heavenly. The dressing was light and refreshing, the sweet and savory were balanced perfectly, the ingredients were premium and super fresh, and it was beautiful to look at! Here are some elements I think are essential for a good salad:
- Freshness
- Premium ingredients
- Aesthetic appeal
- Good balance of texture
- Good flavor balance…with all the different combinations of veggies, salad dressings, etc.,
Please feel free to share where you’ve eaten your favorite salad!
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Wow! WIAW #19
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on August 22, 2012
This month’s theme is summer staples and this day does feature some my summer staples. Blueberries, salads (all kinds), water and summer concerts are some of my summer staples.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with a coffee and two poached eggs with some melted cheese, green salsa and fresh ground pepper.
Am Snack (10:00am)
Ricotta cheese, blueberries, slivered almonds and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Yummy 🙂
Lunch (11:30am)
Salad with brisket (leftover from the night before), butter lettuce, spinach, red bell pepper, tomato (home-grown), feta cheese and Italian dressing.
Dinner (5:30 pm)
I didn’t have time to pack a picnic, so we picked up dinner from Healthy Junk. I had a vegan Philly Cheese Steak with sparkling water.
Before the Concert
Tanner Taking in the Sites
My Dinner
Beautiful Sunset
Dessert (9:00pm)
My sister brought us a mini lemon bundt cake, that my husband and I shared.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
Here is a link to my exercise log for the week.
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Reasons to Take a Cooking Class
Pictures from my cooking class
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on August 20, 2012My good friend Soo invited me to attend a cooking class with her and it was so much fun that I feel like I have to share my experience with you. Going to a cooking class was much more fun than anything I’ve done in a long time. I had a blast. I’ve been thinking of some of the reasons I had such a good time. Here they are:
- It motivated all of us to try something new. The seasoned cooks were in love with the new recipes and techniques learned and the beginning cooks were inspired to learn more!
- It was a great chance to socialize. I met so many nice people and had a chance to bond while creating our wonderful meal. We even noticed that one of the guys at our table got a phone number out of it!
- It was a great way to experience healthy food that tastes good too. If you pick the right class, you can walk out of it feeling like you are not only prepared to try out some new recipes for your friends of families, but can also be assured that they are healthy also!
- It was fun to sample the fruits of our labor. After the completion of the hands on portion of the class, we were all able to sample our creations…such fun!
Would anyone else like to share their cooking class experiences?
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Water Logged App
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on August 17, 2012Source: icedotathletes.com via ICEdot on Pinterest
If you have been following us for a while, I am sure you know we are big fans of keeping hydrated (post Staying Hydrated) and journaling food intake (post Writing For Weight Loss). Recently, I found an app that combines these two goals called Water Logged. This is a free app for iPhones, iPad and iPod Touch that keeps track of your water intake goal for the day.
What I like about this app:
- It is quick and very simple to record water intake.
- You can set reminders.
- It simulated a glass filling with water as you add water consumed.
- Goals can be changed easily and often.
- Quantities can be reported on oz, mL or L.
- Mistakes can easily be deleted.
- You can take pictures of your glasses and keep them on record.
- It keeps you motivated through the day.
- Once you have reached your goal for the day, you are congratulated 🙂
Drink up!
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WIAW # 18
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on August 15, 2012
This month’s theme is summer staples and this day again does not feature any of my summer staples. My staples are smoothies for any meal, fresh summer fruits and water, water, water.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:30am)
I started the day with a large breakfast at a random diner. I had coffee with milk and stevia (I bring my own) with eggs, sausage and hash browns.
Am Snack (10:00am)
Starbucks iced Caffe Americano with stevia and a splash of ½ & ½.
Lunch (11:45am)
We picked up sandwiches from the Olive Avenue Market. Whenever we are in Redlands we like to stop by here. This trip I had a sandwich called “The Sunset” which was a very good chicken salad.
Dinner (5:30 pm)
We had dinner at a pub restaurant called The Tartan. Their menu was heavy on steak and burgers, with the high temperature that all seemed too heavy for me. So my husband and I ordered several appetizers to share. We started with split pea soup and then potato skins (I don’t think I have had this dish for over a decade) and a shrimp cocktail. Leaving the restaurant we were lucky to see a beautiful rainbow.
Dessert (8:00pm)
Back at my family’s house with had black and white cupcakes for birthday cake. It was good! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
Here is a link to my exercise log for the week.
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17th WIAW
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on August 8, 2012
This is what I ate:
All Day
Water with lemon, I could not get enough.
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started my day with coffee with stevia and coconut milk in my London mug in honor of the Olymipics and a NuGo bar and an apple.
AM Snack (9:30)
Raw walnuts.
Lunch (1:00pm)
Vegan Fish Tacos from Healthy Junk were very good.
PM Snack (3:00pm)
We had a belated birthday celebration for my school friend Judy. Featured a homemade chocolate chip pie, that disappeared quickly.
Dinner (6:30pm)
Ahi poke salad at Green2Go in Brea.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
Here is a link to my exercise log for the week.
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Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
MAUI Sunset
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on August 6, 2012A few weeks ago, I took a required online health assessment through my employer. My area of improvement was my consistent lack of sleep. According to Harvard’s Women’s Health Watch, 75% of us have disrupted or inadequate sleep at least a few nights a week. Although the number varies from person to person, on average, most people require 8 hours of sleep per night. Why is this a problem? Lack of sleep can lead to the following (and these are just a few):
- Increased risk for high blood pressure
- Increased risk for cardiovascular disease
- Increased risk for obesity
- Mood disruption
- Decreased immune function
I just came back from a vacation in Maui and feel wonderful. I actually got my 8 hours of sleep every night! It was amazing how much better I felt. Being in a truly stress free environment really helped me catch up on my sleep, but here are some other ways to increase the amount of hours of sleep daily
- Decrease the stress in your life at work and at home (I know, easier said than done….)
- Decrease alcohol intake
- Decrease caffeine intake, especially before you go to bed
- Improve environmental conditions (temperature, pillows, mattress, etc.)
Anyone else have any ideas?
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25 Tips to Beat Sugar Cravings
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on August 6, 2012Source: photoxyz.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Most of us like sugar more than we should. I know I have a sweet tooth and I find the more I eat the more I want. Sugar has little nutritional value and is high in calories. Diets high in sugar suppress the immune system and can lead to diabetes, kidney and heart problems, weight gain and pre-mature aging.
I have been trying to get my sweet tooth under control and these are some of the techniques I have been using.
- Don’t skip meals – preventing blood sugar drops will help prevent cravings.
- Drink plenty of water – prevent dehydration, which increases cravings.
- Choose whole foods – less processed equals less sugar.
- Incorporate protein and fat into eat meal – this will help to control blood sugar.
- Have fresh fruit – helps to overcome cravings and the fiber will keep you full.
- Chew sugar-free gum – help to satisfy cravings.
- Take a walk or exercise – it will take your mind off eating.
- Get plenty of sleep – with plenty of sleep you won’t need the boost from sugar.
- Remove temptations – don’t keep sugary snacks at home or at work.
- Don’t use artificial sweeteners – they will not reduce your desire for sweets.
- Learn to use spices – salty, spicy or tart flavors can break a sugar craving.
- Read labels – you will be surprised what sugar is in.
- Watch out for sugar in beverages.
- Drink green tea – it helps to stabilize blood sugar.
- Learn all the terms for sugar – molasses, honey, corn sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, etc.
- Remember highly refined carbohydrates like pasta and bread act like sugar in the body.
- Choose quality over quantity – a small piece of good quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa content) instead of cookies or a candy bar.
- Limit desserts to once a week as a treat and use portion control.
- Boost your serotonin levels “the happiness hormone’ with exercise and plenty of sleep.
- Take vitamin B – to assist the body with its response to stress because stress drives sugar cravings.
- Take vitamin D – helps to produce serotonin, increasing positive mood.
- Take omega 3 fatty acids – a natural mood enhancer.
- Take chromium – helps the body balance blood sugar.
- Take L-glutamine – curbs sugar cravings.
- When all else fails, try a sugar detox for a week.
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Times Flies When You Are having Fun! 16th WIAW Already.
Posted by Jennifer (the student) 0n August 1, 2012
Hello, it’s that time of the week again. Happy “What I Ate Wednesday”! This month we have a new theme and it is “Summer Staples”. Sadly, my post could not be any less summer related. Maybe next week, I will be able to work in our theme. These are my meals from last Monday and I did have some good food. Hope you enjoy my day. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting this fun event.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)
I started the day with a wonderful breakfast at a new restaurant in Fullerton called the Early Bird. I had some of their in house roasted coffee that was better than most coffee houses. To eat I had an egg white omelet with asparagus, mushrooms, roasted peppers, oven-dried tomatoes and fontina served with extra crispy hash browns, a broiled tomato and English muffin with butter and jams.
Lunch (11:30am)
I had Dim Sum at Capital-Seafood in Irvine with my mom and sister. I don’t even know what we had but it was sure good.
Snack (1:00pm)
Since we were right next door to 85° C, we had to stop by for a Sea Salt Coffee. It is such a treat I forgot to take a picture. Here is a photo I found on Pinterest.
Source: synergyconsultants.com via Jennifers on Pinterest
Dinner (6:00pm)
At home, I made a cheesy pasta dish. It is a recipe I am working on and I hope to share it next week. Link to recipe here.
Thank you for stopping by! I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
I almost forgot, here is a link to my exercise log for the week. 🙂
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Food Safety Made Easy!
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on July 27, 2012My cousins purchased this for me last Christmas. It is really neat. Not only is it compact, but is attractive enough to leave out on the counter. There is a different colored cutting board for raw meat, cooked food, seafood, and produce. It’s a great way to avoid cross contamination. I know this is thinking ahead, but I am thinking of purchasing some for Christmas gifts for my friends that love to cook. You can purchase them at Gourmet cooking stores such as Sur La Table, but I found them priced for under $40 on amazon.com!
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WIAW # 15!
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on July 25, 2012

This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started with fresh brewed coffee and I guess it was good because I almost forgot to even get a picture. And I made Trader Joe’s frozen mini croissants for the first time. They were so good, I almost wish I had not tried them because they are too easy to make. I used a little strawberry jam that came in our CSA box last week. It was also good.

AM Snack (9:30am)
A small green salad and made with what ever I had on hand. I made the salad dressing with some Greek yogurt with rice vinegar and some seasoning (the dressing was just OK).
Lunch (11:30am)
At a new favorite restaurant called Green2Go in Brea. I had their Angus natural beef burger in a lettuce wrap and it was very tasty. They have a lot of salad I want to try too.
PM Snack (2:30pm)
At Starbucks a decaf iced soy latte.
Dinner (6:00pm)
Christina’s parties always have lots of food. Christina’s mom made meatballs, lasagna, and other pasta dishes that were all good. Her sister Carol was in charge of desserts and they were all tasty as well.
The buffet
My Plate
Jennifer (the RD)
Christina (our hostess)
Partygoers at the buffet
All to all it was a good day. July’s WIAW theme is “Fun, Food and Fitness” and here is a link to my weekly exercise log. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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Cooking for a Friend on a Special Diet
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on July 23, 2012Have you ever had a family member on a special diet over to your home for a dinner or a celebration? This can be a real challenge for both the host and guest. I just wanted to share that there are many resources out there for us when it comes to cooking for our friends and families that may have to follow a special diet. It is important for the guest to speak up about his or her dietary restrictions and as equally important for the host to accommodate these restrictions. Here are some very good online references for those of you searching for ideas for yourself or your loved one that is on a special diet:
- American heart association (heart healthy recipes) – www.heart.org
- American diabetes association (recipes for diabetics) – www.diabetes.org
- DaVita (recipes for those with kidney disease) – www.davita.com
- National kidney foundation (recipes for those with kidney disease) – www.kidney.org
Does anyone else have any good resources they would like to share?
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Staying Hydrated
Posted By Jennifer (the student) on July 20, 2012Source: amycheryl.com via Julie on Pinterest
This time of year, I think we are all focused on keeping hydrated. As the heat raises so does our thirst, which is a good thing. Our bodies are 65 percent water; proper hydration flushes out toxins, keeps the memory sharp, aids in digestion, lubricates our joints and keeps the body from overheating.
The old advice of eight 8 ounce a day is not really what is commonly recommended today. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine, developed new guidelines for water consumption for healthy adults. Women should aim for 91 ounces (about 2.7 liters) per day and men should aim for 125 ounces (about 3.7 liters) per day. This is the total water from all beverages (even coffee) and foods. Typically, 20 to 25 percent of the water you consume comes from the foods you eat.
Let thirst be your guide. The kidneys balance and regulate our water requirements, so we take in and retain as much fluid as the body needs. It is easy to gauge how well hydrated we are by simply looking at our urine. It should be fairly clear and if it is not, you need to drink more water. Also, take in to account some medications and foods will affect urine color.
Tips to Increase Water Intake:
- Keep track of how much water you drink a day. Just the fact that you are keeping track of how much water you drink will remind you to drink more.
- Carry a water bottle with you on the go. Just having water by your side will remind you to drink.
- At night, prepare water for the next day. If it is easy to grab, you will be more likely to bring it with you.
- Make flavored waters with lemons, limes, oranges, mint or cucumber. Get creative.
- Recently, I have been flavoring a liter size bottle of water with one sliced apple and a cinnamon stick and I let it steep over night.
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I Passed the DTR Exam!!!!
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on July 18, 2012Source: lovelyprettycheerythings.blogspot.com via Laura on Pinterest
My long-term goal is to become a RD (registered dietitian). But I completed a DT program to see if I would really like the field of dietetics. I fell in love with all my classes and am looking forward to completing school. I have been postponing this test for almost a year because I have terrible test anxiety. Now I feel like I can really move on. Thank you for sharing in my joy! 🙂
What Is a Dietetic Technician, Registered?
A dietetic technician, registered, often working in partnership with registered dietitians, screens, evaluates and educates patients; manages and prevents diseases such as diabetes and obesity and monitors patients’ and clients’ progress. DTRs work in settings such as hospitals and clinics, extended-care facilities, home health-care programs, schools, correctional facilities, restaurants, food companies, foodservice providers, public health agencies, government and community programs such as Meals on Wheels, health clubs, weight management clinics and wellness centers.
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My WIAW #14
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on July 17, 2012
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:15am)
Started off with Instant Coffee from Trader Joe’s. I usually brew a pot of coffee every morning but this morning my husband was rushed. So I just boiled some water and it was fairly good. It was a treat because I did not have all the clean up from the coffee pot. To eat I had 2 slices of whole wheat bread with 2 poached eggs, topped with a little shredded cheese (Trader Joe’s Mexican Blend). Followed by my usually mix of vitamins.

AM Snack (9:00am)
An apple (maybe a Fiji?!?) and raw, unsalted cashews.
Lunch (11:45am)
Before I stopped at the market, I had lunch at the Veggie Grill. I cannot get enough of their Buffalo Wings (made with veggie chicken) and the Thai Chickin’ Salad. As you can see, we could not wait until I took a photo before we started on the wings. After marketing, I ran in Starbucks to get a Cool Lime Refresher. This is my new favorite treat, really refreshing during the summer.
PM Snack (2:30pm)
Half of a Gaya Melon (I think that is what it is called) from the Korean market. I really like these melons because they are small and sort of taste like honeydew meets a cantaloupe.
Dinner (5:300pm)
Last week, I reworked a recipe and came up with a new recipe “Chickpea and Seitan White Enchiladas” and I divided the recipe in half, so I could freeze half for later. Monday night, we finished off the second half. They were just as good as the first time we had them.
Dessert (7:00pm)
And to complete the day Chocolate Angel Food Cake, to satisfy my sweet tooth.
July’s WIAW theme is “Food, Fun & Fitness” and here is a link to my exercise log for the week. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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A Note About Safety & Frozen Meats
I was very concerned about one of my dialysis patients that told me he missed a treatment because he thought he gave himself food poisoning. He claimed that he thawed a piece of chicken on the counter and became ill. He did not realize that harmful germs multiply like wildfire at room temperature. For dialysis patients, missing even one treatment can be life threatening. I am definitely going to have to launch a food safety education program with ALL of my patients. I also want to mention that food safety should be important to EVERYONE. According to the USDA, one in 6 Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year, and 100,000 will end up in the hospital. Here is the first of many food safety tips I am planning to post:
Acceptable methods of thawing frozen food:
- In the refrigerator
- In cold water
- In the microwave
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WIAW the 13th!
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on July 10, 2012
Hello Everyone! Happy “What I Ate Wednesday”. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW. These are my eats from Monday. It was a hot day that started with a headache.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:15am)Started with the very necessary Excedrin Migraine followed by coffee and a chocolate NuGo bar. Simple but tasty.
AM Snack (8:30am)Half a grapefruit.
Lunch (11:45am)Cashew veggie-turkey curry with brown rice, chips and a small green salad from The Secret Spot. This is one of my favorite meals that I don’t have very often and I think it cured my headache. 🙂
PM Snack (1:00pm)Vanilla honey latte from Javatinis was yummy.
PM Vitamins (3:00pm)I normally take my vitamins in the morning, but with a headache sometimes my stomach is touchy. I am always changing the vitamins I am taking but at the moment I am taking: Evening Primrose, Omega-3, L-Carnitine, B-12, CO Enzyme Q10, and a Cal, Mag, + Vit D. I buy most of my supplements from Trader Joe’s.
Dinner (6:00pm)I forgot to take a picture, so this is a recycled photo of my husband’s lemon and ginger kale with sesame tofu with a side of avocado. (recipe here) We make this dish so often because it is simple and tastes great.
July’s theme is “Food, Fun & Fitness” and here is a link to my exercise log for the month. I am busy this month studying for my DTR exam, so my exercise schedule is sort at a bare minimum for now. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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Mental Health Pick me-Ups
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on July 9, 2012We have all had times in our lives when we may be feeling a little “off.” I know that I have gone through periods when nothing seems to be going my way. Feeling down once in a while is completely normal. Unfortunately, busy schedules, difficulties at work or at or home, or other distractions can keep us from addressing these feelings. I thought I’d share a few pick me ups I try to utilize when I am feeling a little down:
- Go for a walk if the weather is nice. It’s amazing what a little sun and fresh air will do
- Watch a funny movie. Laughter really is great medicine! I never get tired of “Happy Gilmore” for some reason.
- Hang out with your pet. My Kasper gives me an endless supply of unconditional love!
- Call a friend and tell them how much you appreciate them. This takes the focus off of you and on something positive. It’s a great feeling.
- Listen to some upbeat music.
- Buy yourself some flowers. This is a real new one for me. This was a recommendation from my co worker. She told me that she goes to buy flowers every Thursday and it always makes her feel good. She always has a positive and cheery attitude. These were her exact words to me: “Joe Blow doesn’t know what kind of flowers you like. Only you do. Buy them for yourself.” She was right. Just a simple arrangement can brighten any room and your mood too!
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Inspiring Friends to Adopt Healthy Habits
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on June 29, 2012As a dietitian, I have spent the entirety of my career trying to teach healthy eating habits and/or specific diet therapies to people. I have learned along the way that the most effective way to teach about nutrition is through hands on demonstration. Whether it was getting senior citizens to fold their own vegetable wraps or enlisting my dialysis patients to assist with making low phosphorus tortillas, “hands on” lessons always seemed to stick.
I have also learned that the same things applies for friends and famiy. Just last weekend, I had my friends Christina and Steve over for a cooking lesson. Not only was I able to teach them some valuable lessons about creating healthy food, but we also had a great time!
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Wow! My 11th WIAW!
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 27, 2012
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:45am)Started with an un-pictured coffee and once I was more awake I made my new favorite breakfast an Oatmeal Banana Smoothie. YUM!
AM Snack (9:30am)Potato Salad with peas and carrots from my favorite sandwich place Paninoteca Maggio in Santa Ana.
Lunch (1:00pm)After my haircut, I had lunch at my favorite lunch spot Dr Grubbs in Claremont.
I had Blackened Tofu with sundried Tomato Sauce with roasted potatoes and steamed veggies.
PM Snack (3:00pm)After running some errands, I stopped by Porto’s in Downey to pick-up some dessert for later and I got Decaf Mocha.
Dinner (6:30pm)It has been so warm so we have been trying to make salads for dinner. This night we had a Green Bean Salad with Roasted Red Peppers and Capers and a Tomato, Avocado, Cucumber and Olive Salad. Both were super tasty.
Dessert (7:00pm)My husband and I shared the Triple Chocolate Mousse from Porto’s. What a way to end the day! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by! I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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Keeping Your Dog Hydrated During Hot Days
The Jennifers ‘ dogs, Tanner and Kasper
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on June 26, 2011Over the past several weeks, I have noticed that there have been more and more people taking their dogs out for a walk. This always happens when the weather gets better. Jennifer (the student) and I went out for a nice walk with our dogs this past weekend and had a conversation about keeping our doggies cool and hydrated during summertime walks. Jennifer’s husband Fred also showed me a special hydrating vest they use for their dog Tanner. When I find out more about it, I’ll have to report on it. But getting back to doggie hydration, just like humans, summer months make dogs more prone to dehydration. Here are some tips for minimizing dehydration risk:
- Do not walk your dog during the hottest time of the day (10 am-4pm)
- Make sure your dog is properly hydrated before the walk. Your dog should always have access to adequate amounts of clean, fresh water every day.
- If you are on a walking trail that provides water stations, encourage your dog to stop at them and fuel up. If this is not available, make sure that you bring an ample supply of water along with you.
- Encourage your dog to drink plenty after exercising.
Have a great summer with your dogs!!!
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Health Benefits of Fresh Figs
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 22, 2012Source: georgianadesign.tumblr.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Figs are an ancient fruit that are in the mulberry family. Figs are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants such as carotenes, lutein, tannins and chlorgenic. In addition, figs are high in vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E and K. Also, figs are rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and chlorine. This sweet and nutritious fruit is available typically June through September.
Figs offer many health benefits:
- Figs are a good source of fiber; they offer more fiber than any other fruit. The fiber in figs is good for digestion and helps to prevent colon cancer. Also, the fiber in figs has a positive effect on weight control.
- Figs are high in calcium helping to promote bone density.
- Pectin, a soluble fiber, in figs helps to lower cholesterol.
- Potassium in figs helps to maintain blood pressure.
- Vitamin A, C, E and carotenoids in figs protects against age-related macular degeneration the disease that destroys vision.
- Manganese is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids.
- Potassium helps to regulate homeostasis of the body’s fluids, water and acid-base balance.
Fig season is just starting. Take advantage of all the health benefits figs have to offer.
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My 10th WIAW – A Special Father’s Day Edition
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 20, 2012

To change things up bit, this WIAW JenmiJenmi is featuring what my husband ate on Father’s Day. Thank to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
Hi, I am Fred (Jennifer the student’s husband). This has been a fun experience for me, thank you JenmiJenmi for featuring me on Father’s day. I started out with a quick latte and off I went to the beach for a long Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP) session and built quite an appetite that only a few meals would satisfy. Hope you enjoy my adventure!
This is what Fred ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)A quick soy latte before an early morning stand-up paddle session.
AM Snack (9:30am)Fresh watermelon at home.
Lunch (11:00am)A special Father’s Day treat, lunch at Unami Burger started with iced green tea.
A truffle burger.
Smashed potatoes.
Dinner (4:00pm)Early dinner with Jennifer’s Dad at the Grand Oak Steakhouse started with a Blue Moon Beer.
A portabella burger with fries.
A green salad with lavender vinaigrette.
Dessert (7:30pm)At home again, Sea Salt Carmel Chocolate Cake from the Gypsy Den.
Thank you for stopping by! We hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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Rise, Shine and Exercise
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 18, 2012
Source: running4women.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Since the beginning of the year, I have been working on improving my exercise consistency. I have been struggling to get back to my old exercise habits and I am seeing a pattern. When I plan on exercising in the morning, I always follow through but when I schedule exercise for the evening I often do not make it. Making morning exercise a habit is my new goal.
The best ways to make morning exercise a habit:
Get plenty of sleep
Choose a exercise you like
Find a exercise partner
Get ready the night before
Have a back-up plan
The benefits of exercising in the morning:
Increases energy
Boosts metabolism
Aids in weight loss
Promotes better sleep
Improves mental clarity
Early morning exercise can be a challenge but with so many benefits and a little planning it can easily become a habit.
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My 9th “What I Ate Wednesday”
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 13, 3012
Hello everyone! Happy “What I Ate Wednesday”. This week has been full of lots of quick meals and snacks, I am getting ready to take the DTR test and studying has to take priority for now. Thank you Jenn for hosting the WIAW. Check out Jenn’s blog Peas and Crayons.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
After my morning jog, I made a blueberry banana smoothie. Recipe
AM Snack (7:45am)Coffee and a Nugo bar.
Another AM Snack (9:30am)A bowl of peanut butter puffins.
Lunch (1:00pm)
A vegan Santa Fe Crispy Chickin sandwich and a green salad from the Veggie Grill.
PM Snack (3:30pm)A banana on the run.
Dinner (6:00pm)My husband has been making these wonderful salads a couple times a week. This salad has seared tuna, avocado, roasted red bell pepper, mixed greens and any veggies we happen to have and a simple homemade dressing. I will post the recipe soon. Click here for the recipe.
Thank you for stopping by! I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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Three Cheers for the Home Gardeners!!!
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on June 11, 2012My friend Diana sent me a picture of some beautiful cucumbers that she grew in her garden. I was also impressed to find out that she was growing several varieties of peppers, tomatoes, melons, and squash. I really admire all of you home gardeners out there. I have home delivered organic produce because I don’t have enough confidence to have my own home garden, so I truly respect those that are successful with growing their own food! Not only are you eating organic, but you are also decreasing your carbon footprint, saving money, beautifying your garden, and achieving personal fulfillment with your creation! 🙂
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Writing for Weight Loss
Posted By Jennifer (the student) on June 8. 2012Source: google.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Most of us know what we should do to lose weight for the most part but for some reason some of us cannot seem to make it happen. I think the key to losing weight is keeping a food journal. I plan on starting a food journal next week, I have kept one in the past and it was very helpful. And once I get in the habit, I actually enjoy reviewing my diet and seeing where I can make changes.
Food journaling works because it makes you aware of exactly what you are eating. If you honestly keep track of everything you eat then it is easier to make adjustments. A food journal will allow you to discover where your diet detours and notice patterns. Also, since you are accountable for every bite you take, indulging becomes harder. With knowledge of your eating patterns, you will be able to see your bad habits. Once you understand where your bad habits are you can work on breaking them. This awareness puts you in control.
To get started food journaling, find a system that works for you. A simple notebook (my choice), an online journal or smart phone app will all work. No matter which system you choose, start by recording everything you eat and keep track of accurate quantities. At first, it might be helpful to measure everything you eat. This will give you a good idea of the portions you are consuming. In my food journal, I also keep track of my exercise, water intake and weigh-ins (I usually weight myself a couple of times a week). In addition, you could create a hunger scale and record how hungry you are at each meal. Tracking your moods can be helpful, if you are over eating for emotional reasons. Also, once a month I take measurements (bust, waist, hip and etc), it can be motivating to see changes.
If you are interested in losing weight, try journaling with me. Please share your tips and progress.
Here are a few online food journals (I am not recommending them because I have never tried them).
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My 8th WIAW!
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 6, 2012
Welcome everyone! Happy “What I Ate Wednesday”! This month’s theme is “Sensible Snacking.” I always try to have sensible snacks and most of the time I succeed but not always. 🙂 Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)My usual coffee with hazelnut milk and stevia in my Diamond Jubilee mug for the occasion.
Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.
AM Snack (9:30am)Oven roasted cauliflower.
Lunch (11:45am)Tofu bowl with black beans and brown rice from Wahoo’s. Someday I want to recreate this at home, the tofu is marinated in a Polynesian sauce and I really like it.
PM Snack (2:15pm)My first really tasty peach of the year. 🙂
Dinner (5:30pm)A simple kale salad.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals.
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The Health Benefits Of Vitamin D
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 4, 2012Source: boodahboy.com via Josy on Pinterest
As a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin D is critical to health and wellness. Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin” because it is the only vitamin that can be made by the human body from the skins response to sunlight. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults up to the age of 70 need 600 IU’s of vitamin D per day and adults older than 70 need 800 IU’s per day.
Vitamin D has many benefits, from the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism contributing to strong bones. Also, it aids in the regulation of insulin metabolism and blood sugar balance helping to prevent type 2 diabetes. In addition, vitamin D assists in the regulation of blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Contributing to the prevention of high blood pressure, heart attacks, congestive heart failure and stroke. Moreover, vitamin D promotes a strong immune system and protects against cancer. Vitamin D also reduces chronic fatigue and stress.
Sun exposure is an excellent source of vitamin D, but many foods contain adequate amounts. Vitamin D can be found in fish, cod liver oil, pork, beef liver and eggs. Also, dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Vegans can find vitamin D in mushrooms, soy products, fortified cereals and orange juice. Vitamin D is necessary for good health and there are many benefits to including foods that are a high source of vitamin D, supplements or sunlight in your day.
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Food Stories Nomination
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on June 2, 2012We would love to thank Shelby at Everyday Vegan Girl for the Food Stories Award nomination. We are thrilled to be included with so many other wonderful bloggers.
Food Stories is pleased to present the Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling, a fabulous nomination that anyone can bestow on their fellow bloggers.
Here’s how it works:
1. The nominee should visit the award site (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/) and leave a comment indicating that they have been nominated and by whom. (This step is so important because it’s the only way our judges will know who is being considered for the monthly award).
2. The Nominee should thank the person that nominated them by posting on their own blog & including a link to their blog.
3. The Nominee should include a courtesy link back to the official award site (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/) in their blog post.
4. Share one random thing about yourself in your blog post.
5. Select at least five other bloggers that you enjoy reading their stories and nominate them for the award. Include these nominees in your blog post.
6. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog, including a link to the award site (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/).
The 5 bloggers that we are nominating are:
- Shannon at Healthful Balance
- Fran At Broken Cookies Don’t Count
- Hannah at Mind Running Wild
- Rebecca at Blueberry Smiles
- Maria at Sinfully Nutritious
Benefits of Pumpkin
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on June 1, 2012Last week, my dog Kasper, that I truly believe has an eating disorder ate almost an entire loaf of whole wheat bread. He was so sick that he had to get a pain injection, x-rays twice, and was on Reglan and antibiotics. He was in such pain that he could hardly move. He is just shy of 16 lbs. so you can imagine what a whole loaf of bread felt like in his gut! Luckily, he was able to pass most of the bread, but became extremely constipated. Because my dog is a repeat offender, I knew the drill. Give him lots of pumpkin since it is a natural laxative! So, I was thinking that my blog entry would be about the benefits of pumpkin. Here you go:
- Pumpkin is low in calories, but very nutrient dense
- It is full of antioxidants
- It is packed full of vitamin A
- And of course, we know that it is full of fiber!
Most people think of pumpkin being used in pumpkin pie, but it can also be used in soups, stews, pancakes, etc. Pumpkin seeds are always yummy too!
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My 6th WIAW
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on May 23, 2012
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:45 am)My usual coffee with hazelnut milk and stevia.
A blueberry and banana smoothie, it has been so warm here that a smoothie tastes extra good.
AM Snack (9:30 am)Roasted asparagus – I can’t seem to get enough of them.
Lunch (11:30 am)Curried chickpea sandwich and an iced latte at a new restaurant in Fullerton called Green Bliss. The curried chickpea sandwich was so good I want to try to recreate the recipe at home.
PM Snack (2:30 pm)Strawberries and kiwis – these strawberries were so sweet.
Dinner (5:30 pm)A salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, purple onion, feta cheese and a simple vinaigrette.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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The 5 Most Abundant Vitamins in Limes
Posted by Jennifer (the student) on May 22, 2012Source: allbestwallpapers.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Limes and warm weather go together. Not only are they refreshing, they offer many health benefits
- Vitamin C – Improves immunity and helps to prevent against heart disease.
- Vitamin A – Benefits eye health.
- Vitamin B – Aids digestion, improves memory and eases stress.
- Vitamin E – An antioxidant that helps prevent cancer and heart disease.
- Vitamin K – Aids in blood clotting and improves bone health.
Limes add a delicious accent to foods and beverages. Try adding some to your diet, your health will benefit.
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What are Hemp Seeds?
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
The Cannabis Sativa plant is where hemp seeds come from. Because it is illegal to grow this plant in the US, most of its production is in Canada. I noticed that the package I bought was all in French. They are a great source of omega -3 fatty acids, amino acids, and fiber. The seeds can be used as a garnish on soups and salads, baked into your favorite muffins, or sprinkled into your yogurts or puddings. Try some out! 🙂
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My 5th WIAW
Posted by Jennifer (the student)
This is what I ate:
Pre-Breakfast (6:30am)
An un-pictured coffee from Starbucks I picked up on my morning walk.
Breakfast (7:30am)
My old reliable smoothie made with bananas, blueberries and peaches.
AM Snack (9:00am)
I am so sad I found these waffles at La Pain Quotidien because I like them too much. These waffles are packaged to go by the register and I never paid much attention to them. Until one day, we grabbed a couple to go and now I am hooked. 🙂
Lunch (11:30am)
While I was out running errands, I stopped for lunch at my new favorite place Paninoteca Maggio in Santa Ana. I had a roasted vegetable sandwich with a latte. I am in love with this sandwich it is so tasty!
PM Snack (2:30pm)Raspberries – soooo sweet!
Dinner (5:30pm)
Fred’s Lemon & Ginger Kale with Sesame Tofu Steak. This is the recipe I submitted for the Virtual Vegan Potluck last Saturday. We are enjoying this recipe so much; I think we will be making this all summer.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day is full of healthy meals!
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Exercise Alleviates Depression
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)Over the past few weeks, I have been extremely busy. I was working double shifts at my first job on some nights but would still have to go to job # 2 on other nights. It was grueling. I had little sleep on some days, but knew that I still had to get my exercise in, because without exercise, I always seem to feel a little “off.” So, I got on the treadmill and continued with my routine, no matter how late I got home. However, my poor best friend Kasper (above) was not so lucky. I had to have my mom and dad pick him up and take care of him since I was gone for so many hours. He also missed out on his walks, which I am sure he was not happy about. I noticed that the poor guy just wasn’t as happy as he usually is, as you can see in the picture above. It was interesting to see that lack of exercise seemed to have affected my dog the same way it affects me. So, the moral of the story is that exercise is a very important “mood booster.” Actually, it is now a recognized form of therapy for depression. So, keep on exercising because it not only makes your heart happy, but it is also important for our mental health!
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My Recipe for a Great Salad
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
When I make salads for the family, I like to make a salad bar type of scenario so everyone can be happy. Here’s what I prepared for an early Mother’s Day celebration:
Mixed greens and spinach
Chopped boiled eggs
Sautéed vegetables (I used zucchini, red, yellow, and green bell peppers, green onions, and sliced mushrooms)
Chopped tomatoes
Green peas
Chopped carrots
Tortilla strips
Chicken breast strips
Tofu (recipe from the tofu sandwiches a couple of weeks ago)
2 types of salad dressings (I used one homemade salad dressing and one balsamic vinegar spray dressing from the store)
Directions: prepare the ingredients above and let everyone serve themselves! 🙂
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My 4th WIAW – Finals Week Edition!
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Hello, everyone. Happy Wednesday! This is my forth WIAW and I am having so much fun joining in. Finals week is finally here and I am happy I was able to get this post together. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the party!

Breakfast (6:45 am)
I had my usual coffee with hazelnut milk and stevia (and I actually had 2 cups, it is finals week after all), with a few slices of yummy homemade banana bread and blueberries. I received the banana bread from my friend Rosanne as part of a finals week care package. Thank you Rosanne 🙂
Mid-Morning Snack (9:30 am)
A NuGo Dark –chocolate Chip Protein bar. I really like these bars for a quick snack.
Lunch (12:30 pm)
Miso Ramen Soup, while I was out running a few errands.
Mid-Afternoon Snack (3:00 pm)
Roasted Golden Beets. I love these from the farmers market.
Dinner (5:45 pm)
Homemade Potato Enchiladas with Beans. Super tasty and also part of my finals care package from Rosanne.
Dessert (7:00 pm)
My homemade “almost” ice cream. It is just blended bananas, peanut butter and cocoa powder put in the freezer for about an hour.
Thank you for joining me! I hope your day is full of healthy meals! 🙂
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Health Benefits of Korean Cuisine
Yummy Korean dishes I had at my friend Soo’s house! 🙂
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
Korean food is becoming increasingly popular. I remember when the Korean Taco truck came into popularity. I think it made more people aware of what Korean cuisine had to offer. What some people don’t realize is that the typical Korean meal is not only varied and exciting due to including so many different dishes, but also contributes an abundance of health benefits. Here are just a few:
- Kimchi (cabbage pickled with garlic, chile pepper, and scallions) may help to protect blood vessels and may be associated with lowering cancer risk
- Most Korean meals include some type of soup full of tofu and vegetables which contributes to satiety and nutrient density, not calories
- Heart healthy seafood is also a very important part of their cuisine. It’s not just beef, like some Korean BBQ restaurant fans may think
- I think the best part of the Korean diet is their love of fresh fruit. Every meal is finished off by a huge plate of a variety of fresh fruit. If you have ever visited a Korean market, you know that these markets are the best places to buy fruit. Since Koreans love fruit so much, the quality is top notch. Most of the fruit is bought by the case!
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My 3rd WIAW!
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Hi everyone! Happy WIAW! I cannot believe this will be my third WIAW already. This week is crazy busy for me with finals next week. Right now, I am trying for healthy and simple. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting.

Coffee with hazelnut milk and stevia in my new “special mug.” I swear everything in this mug tastes better. 🙂 I am a huge anglophile, ever since I spent a semester in England years ago.
Breakfast (7:30 am)Uncle Sam Cereal with slivered almonds, agave nectar, and hazelnut milk. I love this cereal, it reminds me of my grandmother. It was a special treat at her house.
Mid-Morning Snack (9:00 am)Red grapes with raw cashews.
Lunch (1:00 pm)Spinach and mushroom enchiladas with refried beans and rice. Sorry this picture is so dark, we were in a very dark corner. I had lunch with my parents after my mother’s eye surgery.
Mid-Afternoon Snack (3:00 pm)
Decaf ice blended vanilla with soy milk from Coffee Bean.
My afternoon pick me up!
Dinner (5:30 pm)Semi-homemade whole-wheat pizza with roasted zucchini, roasted mushrooms, and Daiya mozzarella topped with a green salad. I used Trader Joe’s pizza dough; I think it is pretty good for a quick meal.
Thank you for joining me this WIAW! I hope your day is full of healthy meals. 🙂
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Getting Kids Involved in the Kitchen
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
When I was little, I can remember being mesmerized by what was going on in the kitchen. My sister and I used to sit at the kitchen counter just waiting for our turn to be able to stir, pour, or help out in any way we could. It was exciting for us to think that we were actually able to help out and gave us a sense of pride because we felt like we actually helped create what we were eating. The food always seemed to taste just a little better on those days when we were actually able to help out mom. As you can see in the picture above, my friend Isabelle had the greatest time cooking with me this past Saturday. I truly believe that getting children involved with cooking is an easy way to introduce new foods, healthy cooking methods, etc. Believe me, most children are so excited to be involved in the whole process, they won’t care if you do something like substitute applesauce for oil in a cake recipe or substitute some tofu for ricotta cheese in the lasagna. Perhaps we can start posting a few kid friendly recipes in the near future. Happy cooking! 🙂
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My 2nd WIAW!
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Hello everyone! Last week, I had so much fun participating in my first What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW), I could hardly wait to do it again. Since then I have been paying more attention to what I am eating. I loved looking at everyone’s posts. I was inspired by many of them! This month theme is “serve up an extra cup of veggies” and I think this week I did not do as well as last week. Thanks again to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting!

Breakfast: Banana, Blueberry, Peach Smoothie with Spirulina (the spirulina gives it that odd color but it tastes very good), Decaf Coffee with Hazelnut Milk and Stevia
Mid-Morning Snack: Creamed Potatoes and Peas (this is a vegan version. and I will post the recipe soon Click Here for recipe)
Lunch: Vegan Reuben from Native Foods (this is a treat, so yummy)
Mid-Afternoon Snack: ½ of a Chai Muffin from the Gypsy Den (my husband had the other half)
Dinner: Polynesian Tofu and Veggies on a Bed of Brown Rice with Avocado (This dish is super quick to make and I will post this recipe soon)
Dessert: ¼ Honeydew
Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!
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Sneaking in Exercise
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: drsharminyaqin.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Some days are just to busy for a traditional hour-long workout. Doing something is better than nothing at all. Here are a few was to add some extra activity to your day.
- Wake up 30 minutes early and go for a run or walk.
- Replace your desk chair with an exercise ball.
- Walk the dog.
- Walk or bike to work or running errands.
- Do house work and yard work.
- Count your steps with a pedometer (aim for 10,000 a day)
- While watching TV do strength training exercises or walk on a treadmill.
- When meeting friends go for a walk, window shop, go dancing.
Try to make activity part of your life and make it fun.
Let me know what you do to stay active. 🙂
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Community Supported Agriculture
Posted by Jennifer (the RD)
Like most people, I am very concerned with the quality of food I put into my mouth. This is why I decided to look into community supported agriculture. For a little over $60 per month, I enjoy a box of home delivered organic fruits and veggies twice every month. Not only am I getting high quality, organic produce, but I am also producing a local farm. Not all community supported agriculture is 100% organic, but this is what I prefer. One of the exciting things about the deliveries is opening the box to see what you get…it’s Christmas twice a month! The produce will definitely inspire you to prepare produce that is outside of your comfort zone. I thought only Hannibal Lecter ate fava beans! I had to do some YouTube research before I prepared those suckers! 🙂
I order from: www.farmfreshtoyou.com
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My First WIAW
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Happy Wednesday! I am very excited to participate in my first What I Ate Wednesday. I used to keep a food journal and I forgot how helpful it is to record your meals. This month’s theme is “serve up an extra cup of veggies”; I am always trying to work more vegetables in to my diet. Thanks to Jenn @ Peas and Crayons for hosting.

Breakfast: Banana Scramble (click here for the recipe), Decaf Coffee with Hazelnut Milk & Stevia
Mid-Morning Snack: 2 Kiwis, ½ banana
Lunch: 2-Tofu Tacos from Wahoo, Grande Iced 2 Pump Chai Latte with Soy Milk
Mid-Afternoon Snack: Steamed Artichoke with Trader Joe’s White Bean Hummus
Dinner: Leftover Tofu/Veggie Stir-Fry with Quinoa. Recipe will be posted tomorrow!
I hope you had a wonderful day full of healthy meals!
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Great Idea for Getting Inspired to Cook at Home
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
I was talking to our recipe contest winner Sheila and she was telling me what inspired her to start cooking at home more often. It wasn’t about calculating cost differences between eating out and at home like you would think. She told me that what inspired her most was purchasing something new for her kitchen. She recently bought new cookware and has been cooking up a storm ever since. This has been true in my case also. My fellow blogger Jennifer bought this cool deep silicone spoon from Princess House (GREAT products by the way). I liked it so much I bought one also and was on a soup making venture for a month! So, it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or expensive. Just one new item can make spending time in the kitchen more fun. I recently received something for my ktichen as a gift (pictured above), and I can’t wait to use it!
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Sleep Tight
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: thelovelycompass.tumblr.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
When we do not get enough sleep, we know that the next day we will pay the price for it. But habitually sleeping 6 or less hours can raise the risk of many health problems such as:
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Weight Gain
Benefits of a Good Nights Sleep
- Better Energy Levels
- Improved Mood
- Improved Concentration
- Better Skin
- Stronger Immune System
- Fewer Colds and Flu
- Less Aches and Pains
- Increased Muscle Growth and Repair
What Can Disturb Sleep
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Nicotine
- Loud Noises
- Temperature: too Hot or too Cold
What Promotes Sleep
- Regular bedtime
- Reading before bed
- Yoga promotes relaxation
- Regular aerobic exercise
- Cut down on beverages late in the day
- Don’t eat a big meal before bedtime and don’t go to bed hungry
- For some a light snack before bedtime may be helpful like a banana, yogurt or a small bowl of whole-wheat cereal that is low in sugar
Getting enough sleep effects you’re over all health. Develop regular bedtime habits to help yourself get the best sleep you can. Sleep tight!
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Dining Out Healthfully
Posted by Jennifer (the student)
Source: hipparis.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Going out to a restaurant with friends or family is always fun social experience. If you are trying to eat healthy then restaurants can be a challenge. Here are few tips to help you navigate restaurants.
- Before heading to a restaurant, check their menu online. Find a few healthy items that sound good to you.
- Avoid buffets.
- Drink water, tea, coffee or another zero calorie drink.
- Limit alcohol.
- Skip the bread and chips.
- Order an appetizer for your entrée
- Request that sauces, gravy and salad dressings be served “on the side”
- Order steamed, grilled, baked or broiled dishes instead of dishes that are fried or breaded.
- Trim the fat from meats and remove any skin from chicken.
- Just because it is a salad does not mean it is always the best choice. Carefully read the ingredient list.
- If you have a hard time with portion control, ask for a doggie bag when you order. That way you can divide the dish in half before you even start to eat.
- Once you have made your healthy choice, sit back and enjoyed the time you have with friends and family.
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Happy Easter
Posted by Jennifer (the student)
Tanner meets the Easter Bunny
Tanner enjoys a beautiful Easter Day
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Looking for something to do?
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
It seems like whenever there is nothing to do, many of my activities revolve around food. Trying out new foods can be exciting and adventurous, but it often lends itself to overeating and overspending. Here are some suggestions for inexpensive things to do that don’t involve food:
- Take a scenic drive in your car (if you live in LA, lots of the internet sites recommend checking out the scenery on Mulholland drive)
- Go to a museum
- Spend a day at the beach when the weather is good
- Go to the park (if you live in LA, perhaps you can check out the trails at Griffith Park)
- Attend a local, free concert or sign up for a TV show taping
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French Sorrel
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: google.co.uk via Jennifer on Pinterest
Last spring, I purchased a small French sorrel plant from a farmer’s market. I had never tried sorrel but I was intrigued after reading many European recipes using sorrel. Last year, my little sorrel plant allowed me to try several simple recipes. I really liked the tart lemony flavor it adds to simple dishes like scrambled eggs.
This year, my small plant has tripled in size and is thriving. Obliviously sorrel is easy to grow since I am not much of a gardener. Its shield-shaped leaves are similar to spinach. Sorrel is both an herb and a green and can be used to replace spinach in most recipes. If replacing spinach just reduce the amount of sorrel since it has quite a tart flavor.
Some of the health benefits of sorrel are its low in calorie and high in fiber. In addition, it is high in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, magnesium and calcium.
Caution should be used if you suffer from heartburn, sorrel may be to acidic for you. Also, sorrel should not be cooked in cast-iron or aluminum cookware.
If you come across sorrel this spring give it a try. I am glad I added it to my diet.
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Spring Cleaning and Health Benefits
Posted by Jennifer (the student)
Source: girlsrulesocialmedia.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Every spring, I start making lists of all the projects I want to accomplish. Once I complete all of these projects I always feel so good about my home and myself. I think most of us do because a clean and organized home is good for your health.
Some of the health benefits of spring-cleaning are:
- Organization leads to stress reduction. When everything is in it’s place, time is not wasted looking for misplaced items. Being organized lets you be in control of your life and domain.
- A good deep cleaning rids your home of dust, mold and bacteria, which helps your immune system take care of you.
- Just the act of cleaning gets your body moving and burning calories. Both your body and home will benefit.
Make spring-cleaning a priority for your health and home. Happy cleaning!
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Happy National Chip and Dip Day!
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
Who doesn’t like America’s most classic party food, chips and dip? Chips and dip can be very addicting and often very calorie, fat, and salt laden. Remember those time(s) when you went to the Mexican restaurant and could barely dig into your entrée because your stomach was so full from the chips and salsa? I think we’ve all been there. Here are some tips for not getting ourselves into so much trouble today. 🙂
- Try to limit the amount that you are eating. Instead of eating ½ of the bag of chips, try to stop after only a handful.
- Substitute high fat bases like sour cream for lower fat options such as fat free sour cream, fat free yogurt, or even blended silken tofu.
- Use salt free or lower salt herb blends to flavor your dip as opposed to the super high salt dip mix packages. I love penzeys: www.penzeys.com
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Exercise for the “not so young”….an inspiring story
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)A few weeks ago a family member was admitted to the hospital due to Diabetes that was very much out of control. Throughout the years, we had all seen her make futile attempts at exercise and sneak foods that were not within her dietary restrictions. Medication compliance was also suspected to be poor. Sure enough, eventually, her blood sugar was so high that it did not even register on the meter. She was rushed to the hospital to get her blood sugar under control. Upon discharge, her blood sugar was up to the 300’s at times (normal random blood sugar levels should be about 70-125, depending upon which lab is being used) despite improvements in her diet. Thankfully, when she re-gained her strength, and began to exercise, her blood sugar was 130 after breakfast (blood sugar 2 hours after eating should be from 70-145)! A picture of the reading was texted to everyone in the family so we could all JUMP FOR JOY!!! At over 70 years old, she may not be able to join a cardio class or even attempt to get on a stair climber, but just a daily simple walk around the block did the trick. 🙂
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The Luck of the Irish
Posted by Jennifer (the Student)Source: google.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
The traditional Irish diet is simple and it is full of fresh, quality ingredients. Vegetables are plentiful, starting with potatoes, which are used in stews, soups and many other dishes. But the potato is only the beginning of the fresh vegetables used in traditional Irish cooking. Other commonly used vegetables are: cabbage, onions, leeks, sorrel, nettles, watercress, carrots, parsnips, beans, peas, garlic and mushrooms.
Fruits are eaten fresh in the summer and preserved for the rest of the year. The most common fruits are berries of all kinds and apples.
Grains are used in porridges and breads. Grains used most often are barley, oats, rye and whole-wheat. Soda bread is the most popular type of bread made of whole-wheat flour and buttermilk.
Sources of protein are seafood, meats and goose eggs. Seafood and meats are used in meat pies, soups and stews. The most common seafood used is salmon, halibut, cod, scallops, lobster, mussels and oysters. Typical, meats are lamb, beef and pork.
Also, dairy product is part of the diet. Sheep’s milk cheese is commonly used.
Honey, herbs and Irish moss (seaweed) are used to favor food.
Tea and beer are the most popular beverages.
I think the luck of the Irish comes from eating a simple diet of fresh food.
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Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: tarteletteblog.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
If you love artichokes like I do then you have probably noticed that they are starting to show up in the markets. Artichokes have a long season, starting in the spring and going all the way though fall.
Artichokes are rich in antioxidants. In fact, they are the highest source of antioxidants among all fresh vegetables. Antioxidants offer so many benefits like improving heart health and decreasing blood cholesterol. Also, boosting regeneration of livers cells and cancer prevention.
Artichokes are high in insoluable fiber helping to regulate the digestive tract, improve digestion, and controlling blood sugar. In addition, they are low in calories, high in potassium, folic acid and vitamin C.
When choosing artichokes look for all over green color with few brown spots. The leaves should be tight and firm and they should feel weighty.
With all the health benefits they offer I hope I have inspired you to pick up a few artichokes. I will be.
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Spring is Here!
Posted by Jennifer (the RD)
It’s time to get out from under those blankets and put away your winter wardrobe because SPRING IS HERE!!! Here are some suggestions for starting the spring season out on a healthier note:
- Take more walks out with your family, friends, and pets. The days are getting longer, and weather is getting better.
- Go shopping for some new spring workout clothing to inspire you to get out there and exercise.
- Write a list of all of the physical activities you enjoy when the weather gets better…hiking, biking, etc.
- Visit your local Farmers’ Market. You can pick up some “in season” produce.
- Have a dinner party or BBQ using all of the produce you bought. I plan to do this very soon! 🙂
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March is National Nutrition Month
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? The theme for this year is “Get your plate in shape.” This year’s campaign was designed to promote the USDA’s MyPlate guidelines, which use a dinner plate as a great visual of how our overall diets should be composed. You can read more about it at: www.ChooseMyPlate.govI wanted to share an idea that I am using at my workplace this year. I am asking all of my co-workers to submit a healthy recipe that they have tried and enjoyed. Since we have some really great nutrition students working with us, we are going to utilize them to judge the best recipes. But, you don’t have to have a nutrition background to judge the contest. You can judge on overall nutrition, appearance, taste, etc. Our winner will be receiving a bag of healthy groceries donated from a local grocery store. I can’t wait to announce our winners at the end of the month! In the past, I have had nutrition quizzes, food samples, and raffles. If you want to plan an event at your workplace, or for your family and friends, just remember to be creative and have fun!
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Ginger Asian Pear Tea
Posted by Jennifer (the Student)Source: flickr.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
This week, I have been making quite a few mugs of my favorite home remedy for a cough. This tea always helps me and it is so simple.
- 1 asian pear
- 1 small piece of fresh ginger
- 2 cups of water
- honey (to taste)
- Slice pear and roughly cut ginger.
- Transfer pear and ginger to sauce pan and cover with water.
- Over high heat bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for several minutes.
- Pour liquid into a mug and add honey to taste.
- Enjoy.
Do you have any home remedies to share?
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Pets and Health
My dog Kasper – Posted by Jennifer (The RD)Anyone that knows me knows that my dog Kasper is my best friend. Not only does he give me unconditional love and companionship, but he is a great exercise companion. It is amazing to me that he can walk for an hour and a half without getting the least bit tired. 🙂
According to the CDC, pets can offer the following benefits:
- Decrease blood pressure
- Decrease cholesterol levels
- Decrease triglyceride levels
- Decrease feelings of loneliness
- Increase opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
- Increase opportunities for socialization
It saddens me to think about all of the pets that are put down due to overcrowding of shelters. So, consider adopting a pet. Pets have the potential for giving back to you more than you could ever expect or imagine!
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Posted by Jennifer (the student)
Almonds are one of the world’s most popular nuts, with all the health benefits almonds offer; it is easy to understand their long-standing popularity. Just one serving a day, ¼ cup, provides countless health benefits.
Health benefits:
- Reduces risk of heart disease
- Helps to maintain & lower cholesterol levels
- Improves blood flow & promotes normal blood pressure
- Protects against diabetes by lessening surges in blood sugar
- Boosts memory
- Strengthens bones
- Lowers risk of developing gallstones
- Helps with weight loss & maintenance
- Protein
- Calcium
- Monounsaturated Fat (healthy fat)
- Fiber
- Vitamin E (antioxidant)
- Magnesium
- L-Carnitine
- Potassium
- Copper, Phosphorus, Riboflavin
Almonds are so easy to work into your daily diet. I always keep a large jar of raw, unsalted almonds in my pantry. They are a quick, easy portable snack. In addition, I like to sprinkle slivered almonds on cereal or salads they add a nice crunch. Almond milk is great in coffee and can be used to replace dairy milk in most recipes. No matter how you add almonds to your diet, your health will benefit.
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Heart Health
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: green.thefuntimesguide.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
Not only is tomorrow Valentine’s Day, but February is also National Heart Health Month. In celebration of both, I thought I would write about honoring our hearts with a few simple lifestyle changes.
- Getting Active
- aim to exercise at least 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.
- Check Cholesterol
- desirable range of total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dL
- HDL cholesterol level 60 mg/dL or above
- LDL cholesterol level 70 mg/dL to 129 mg/dL (depending on your risk level)
- Triglyceride level of less than 150 mg/dL
- Eat better by choosing:
- lean protein that is low in fat and cholesterol
- good sources: lean beef, pork without skin, white fish, chicken, turkey, egg whites, soy protein
- increase fiber intake-fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol
- good sources: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans
- reduce sodium intake-read labels
- aim for less than 600 mg a meal and 200 mg for snacks
- choose heart healthy fats -mono-unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids helps lower LDL cholesterol
- good sources: olive oil, canola oil, salmon, tuna, ground flaxseeds and walnuts
- lean protein that is low in fat and cholesterol
- Manage blood pressure
- high blood pressure is greater than 140/90
- Maintain a healthy weight
- see Jennifer’s post on BMI
- Reduce blood sugar
- high blood sugar levels can damage the heart
- Stop smoking
- this is the most preventable major risk factor
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Low Carbohydrate Diets
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
Low Carb (carbohydrate) diets claim to help with weight loss and improve athletic performance. The basic theory that proponents of the diet support is that fat storage occurs with increased consumption of carbohydrates. In reality, a low carbohydrate does allow you to lose weight. However, this is more than likely due to a restriction in calories, not the absence of carbohydrates. Instead of relying on a low carb diet for weight loss, try to remember the following if you are trying to lose weight:
- Weight loss occurs as a result of a reduction in overall calories, not just carbohydrate calories
- Increasing endurance/aerobic exercise is a better way to increase fat metabolism (fat burning)
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Posted by Jennifer (the student)One of my new farmer’s market finds is the Sunchoke, also known as Jerusalem artichoke. I have found them at produce markets but not any of my supermarkets. Sunchokes are from the sunflower family and look like a knobby ginger root.
They remind me of a combination of potatoes and jicama in taste and texture and can be eaten raw or cooked. These tubers can be used in any dish you would make with potatoes. Best of all, they are available year round.
Sunchokes are a good potato substitute for diabetics. They assist in blood sugar control and healthy digestion. If you are sensitive to gas-producing foods, try in small amounts at first.
Usually I am in a hurry, so I have just been roasting them. Preheat oven to 350. Then, scrub them thoroughly with a vegetable brush. I leave the skin on and roughly chop them. Then lightly coated them with olive oil and season with sea salt, fresh ground pepper, and herbs de provence. Bake for about one hour. Test with fork for tenderness. Top with lemon zest and enjoy.
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: teamjohnson11.tumblr.com via Holly on Pinterest
Most of us don’t even think about the small choices we make everyday that affect our health, weight and fitness level. All those small choices can lead to a healthier lifestyle from drinking more water to exercising even when you don’t feel like it. We all have obstacles in our life that we can’t control. But there is so much that is in our control.
Personally, I am aiming to make smart choices 80% of the time. Nobody is perfect. This little bit of freedom is helping me to pursue my goals. Whatever your personal goal is, don’t beat yourself up over small slip- ups. Success is a series of small choices. Try to focus on the big picture.
Remember to celebrate both small and large victories, while keeping the greater goals in sight.
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Just a Few Reasons Fitness is Important
Posted by Jennifer (The RD)
I am really fortunate that my mom had me involved in sports from an early age. Fitness has been a given in my life ever since. When I was a kid, I used to think that theonly good thing about being in sports was the social aspect. I loved hanging out with friends. I started swimming competitively when I was 10 years old and some of the friends I met way back then are still some of my very best friends! Although being involved in sports activities can be a great way to meet people and socialize, there are also many health benefits. Here are just a few:
Aids in restful sleep
Increases metabolism
Improves body composition and bone density
Decreases risk for cardiovascular function
Improves self image
Longer and higher quality of life
Plus many more!
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What is BMI?
Posted by Jennifer (the RD)
BMI stands for body mass index and is a measurement of weight for height. In other words, it measures how appropriate your weight may be based on how tall you are. Numbers less than 18.5 and 25 or greater are considered “at risk numbers.” Many websites, including the CDC have online BMI calculators: http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/index.html
Less than 18.5 (UNDERWEIGHT)
18.5-24.9 (NORMAL WEIGHT)
25-29.9 (OVERWEIGHT)
30 or greater (OBESE)
One of my new year’s resolutions was to add more fiber to my diet. In the process, I have learned a lot about fiber. Here are some of the interesting facts I have found about fiber.
Why do we need fiber in our diet?
- Normalizes bowel movements
- Lowers cholesterol
- Helps control blood sugar
- Aids in weight loss
- The benefit are to many to name
Where do we find fiber?
- Whole foods such as: whole-grains, fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.
Ways to easily add more fiber:
- Start the day with a cereal with at least 5 grams of fiber. Then add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds or bran and the top with berries or sliced banana.
- Prepare steamed or roasted vegetables in large batches for easy meals or snacks.
- Make a large pot of bean once a week. These can be used in salads, wraps, stews and soups.
- Have fresh fruit available for quick snacks.
There are so many tasty foods with fiber. Here is a list of my favorites:
- Chia
- Quinoa
- Ground Flax seeds
- Chickpeas
- Greens
- Broccoli
- Acorn and Spaghetti Squash
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Eggplant
- Berries (all kinds)
- Avocado
My new year’s resolution is turning out to be an interesting journey. Since increasing my fiber intake I have noticed fiber-rich foods fill me up more and are digested slower, so I don’t get hungry as fast. My new year’s resolution has turned into an everyday solution.
How to determine what produce to buy organic
Posted by Jennifer (the RD)
As a result of being frustrated with the cost of organic produce, I have opted to go with an organic home delivery service for the majority of my fruits and vegetables. It is much cheaper and also forces me to prepare veggies I wouldn’t have ordinarily chosen to purchase on my own. However, I do still supplement my deliveries with produce from the supermarket. As you know, the high price of organic food can be discouraging. The Environmental Working Group released their lists of the dirtiest (most pesticides) and the cleanest (least pesticides) fruits and vegetables. Here they are:
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries
4. Peaches
5. Spinach
6. Nectarines (imported)
7. Grapes (imported)
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Potatoes
10. Blueberries (domestic)
11. Lettuce
12. Kale/collard greens
1. Onions
2. Sweet corn
3. Pineapples
4. Avocado
5. Asparagus
6. Sweet peas
7. Mangoes
8. Eggplant
9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
10. Kiwifruit
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Sweet potatoes
14. Grapefruit
15. Mushrooms
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Breaking Bad Habits
Posted by Jennifer (the RD)There probably isn’t anyone on the face of the earth that does not have any bad habits. I was reading an article that discussed a new study by USC psychologists (published in the journal Pesonality and Social Psychology Bulletin), that helps explain why habits are so hard to break. In an experiment, the USC psychologists gave some movie theatre customers buckets of popcorn. Some of the buckets contained freshly popped popcorn and others contained week old, stale kernels. At the end of the movie, researchers measured the amount of popcorn eaten and by whom. It seems that the people that did not usually eat popcorn when watching a movie ate much less stale popcorn. However, those that routinely munched on popcorn while watching a movie ate the same amount of popcorn whether it was stale or fresh. It was a habit. Sounds discouraging, doesn’t it? According to the study, the movie theatre acted as a strong environmental cue that triggered an automatic eating behavior.
So, this may be why it is so hard to stop eating those cookies before we go to bed, or why we just can’t add those extra 20 minutes to our exercise routine. According to the study, changing environmental cues that enforce bad habits may help to break them. For example, eating food with your non dominant hand may disrupt habitual eating. In the study mentioned above, asking moviegoers to eat with their non dominant hand seemed to cause people to pay attention to what they were eating and eat less stale popcorn. I can recall a time when I was struggling with my exercise routine. I wanted to add a little more to my weekly regimen, but for some reason, I was so programmed to exercise for a certain amount of time before work, I just could not do it. So, I decided to break routine, and add a 1 hour walk with my dog 3 times a week so both of us could get more exercise. It worked beautifully! The lead author of the USC study, David Neal, stated that “…will power and good intentions are not enough, and we need to trick our brains by controlling the environment instead.”
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12 for 2012
Posted by Jennifer (the student)Source: divalocity.tumblr.com via Lizzy on Pinterest
Every year I try to make a few resolutions that are very doable. I feel large goals are too much for a new years resolution at least for me. The beginning of the year feels like a clean slate and it is so wonderful to make small steps toward larger goals. I am a big believer in baby steps.
- Re-establish a Regular Exercise Routine
Last year, I really let my exercise routine slide after many years of being a very regular exerciser. - Strengthen Shoulders
A weak area for me, I have two weight training machine to work into my routine. - Take a Barre Class
I have taken tons of group exercise classes in the past but something about barre classes intimates me. - Improve Flexibility and Posture
Regular yoga classes should help me with this. - Increase Endurance
Cross trainer regularly. - Drink More Water
Sometimes I am good at this and other times I am not. Just try to be more consistent. - Eat More Fiber
I am fairly good at this already but could always improve. - Reduce Sugar Intake
I admit I have a sweet tooth. Try to limit treats but not eliminate. - Chew Food 20 Times
Slow down and just pay more attention. - Eat More Whole Foods
Focus on fruits, vegetables and legumes. - Prepare Vegetables Ahead of Time for Quick Meals
Something I already do but work on being more consistent. - Be Happy
Be with friends and family more.
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Happy New Year!!!! 🙂
Posted by Jennifer (the RD)Happy New Year to you all! I cannot believe 2012 is here already. If you are anything like me, you are still trying to figure out when you are going to have time to put away the holiday decorations, clean up after your holiday parties, and recover from all of the holiday craziness. Sometimes, I think that our healthy diet and exercise regimens get ignored when our lives get too busy. Jennifer and I are two very REAL people that know exactly how this feels. We are hoping that this blog will help create strategies for people so that they can have better balance their health, career, and personal lives. I am sure we will also learn some from all of you as well. Welcome to our blog!!!
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