bananabreadcookies, europane, europanepasadena, foodjournal, foodlog, healthifulbalance, peasandcrayons, whatiatewednesday, wiaw

Hello Everyone. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from last Saturday. Finals are quickly approaching so my weekends are very low key. I hope you enjoy my day. Thank you to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:30am)
I started the day with coffee, before heading out for breakfast. We went to Euro Pane in Pasadena and I had my favorite Egg Salad Sandwich. What a treat. 🙂

Lunch (11:45am)
Homemade french onion soup.
PM Snacks (2:00pm)
Beer bread and kale.
Dinner (5:30pm)
Taco pie with avocado.
Dessert (6:30pm)
I wanted something sweet badly and I was inspired by Shannon at Healthiful Balances Banana Bread Cookies. At the moment, I am working on cleaning out my over flowing pantry, so I wanted to work with what I had. I sort of experimented with bananas, almond meal, sunflower butter, vanilla, baking soda and chocolate chips. My cookies ended up tasting great but looking terrible because they came out of the oven green. After some research, I found baking soda or powder react with the chlorophyll in the sunflower butter turning the cookies green. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
♥ ♥