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28 Thursday Mar 2013
Posted General, Healthy Inspirations
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27 Wednesday Mar 2013
Posted General, Healthy Inspirations
fish in a bottle, food journal, food log, massachuseats, oat bran without the bran recipe, peas and crayons, peasandcrayons, what i ate wednesday, wiaw, wildflour cupcakes
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)
I started the day with coffee and a“Oat Bran” Without The Oats, a recipe I just tried and really enjoyed. You can find the recipe at Massachuseats.com.
Lunch (11:30am)
I had left-over grilled steak and broccoli.
Dinner (6:00pm)
My husband and I were celebrating his first week at a new job. We had dinner at Fish in a Bottle, we started with a tasty salad. I had the sea bass and it was so good I almost for got to take a picture. 🙂
Dessert (8:00pm)
We continued the celebration at home with Oreo Truffle Cupcakes from WildFlour Cupcakes. YUM!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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27 Wednesday Mar 2013
This is a recipe that I did a makeover on. The original recipe was a contribution by my boss Georgia. 🙂 I included the nutritional analyses for before and after.
Ingredients for the cake:
6 TBSP Lite Margarine (I used Smart Balance spread in a tub)
½ cup unsweetened applesauce
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup granulated white sugar
4 egg whites
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups flour
1 TBSP baking soda
1 package sugar free vanilla pudding (1.3 oz.)
1 cup fat free, plain Greek yogurt
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 TBSP Lite Margarine (I used Smart Balance spread in a tub)
6 oz. MINI semi sweet morsels
¼ cup quick cooking oats
¼ cup finely chopped walnuts
1 tsp. cinnamon
Nutritional info per piece (cut into 16 pieces): Calories 255 (original recipe had 410 calories), Fat 6.5 g, 23 % of calories (original recipe had 23.5 grams, 52% of calories), Sodium 377 mg (original recipe had 352 mg), carbohydrate, 43 grams (original recipe has 44 grams)
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22 Friday Mar 2013
Posted General, Healthy Inspirations
I was introduced to these yummy juices from one of the students in my classes. They are made locally (Long Beach), organic, raw, and cold pressed. You can find them on www.rainbowjuices.com
I especially liked “Lucky Star.” The ginger in it gives it a real kick, but all three that I tasted were yummy!
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20 Wednesday Mar 2013
Posted General, Healthy Inspirations
food journal, food log, hungry little girl, mother's market, peas and crayons, power crunch bar, what i ate wednesday, wiaw
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)
I started the day with coffee and a poached egg on whole wheat toast with a sprinkle of cheese.
AM Snacks (9:30am)
I had a Sweet Peanut Sesame Shoa Bing from the Asian market. I found these by accident once and we liked them so much, now I pick them up for a treat occasionally.
Lunch (1:00pm)
I was at Mother’s Market doing some marketing, I noticed they were filling the hot bar with lunch items that smelled really good. I picked up one of these Soy and Mozzarella Cheese Tacos to take home and it was as good as they smelled.
Dinner (5:30pm)
For dinner, we had a recipe I was trying out for the Surprise Recipe Swap at Hungry Little Girl. I made Bacon Parmesan Broiler Avocados and they were very tasty (recipe here).
Dessert (7:00pm)
I was still a little hungry and I wanted something sweet. This Power Crunch bar did the trick.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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20 Wednesday Mar 2013
I am so excited to be participating in my very first Surprise Recipe Swap . Each month Jutta from Hungry Little Girl is hosting a Surprise Recipe Swap, participants are assigned a blog and they then choose a recipe to make and write about in a blog post. This month I was assigned the Hungry Little Girl blog, Jutta has a large selection of all types of recipes. I had a hard time selecting a recipe but I narrowed it down to four recipes: Spinach Spaghetti Casserole, Cheesy Ground Beef Casserole, Pumpkin Pizza and Bacon Parmesan Broiler Avocados. Ultimately, I choose the Bacon Parmesan Broiler Avocados because I thought it was interesting and I had all of the ingredients on hand.
Ingredients (for two servings)
I really liked this recipe, it was so easy and very flavorful.Participating in the Surprise Recipe Swap was a fun experience and I look forward to joining in each month. Check out the other recipes in the Surprise Recipe Swap! If you are interested in participating, head over to Hungry Little Girl.
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18 Monday Mar 2013
Posted General, Healthy Inspirations
I went to a really fun charity event with a friend of mine yesterday. The event had an asian theme and every single course had something on it that I haven’t tried before. On the upper left hand of the plate is an Okinawan potato puree…yes, purple mashed potatoes! 🙂 It was sweet just like regular sweet potatoes but had a smoother texture. These potatoes are originally from Japan, but are very popular in Hawaii. I’ve been to Hawaii so many times and have never tried them! They are also PACKED with antioxidants and I noticed they were on Doctor Oz’s superfoods list!
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17 Sunday Mar 2013
This is a simple dessert my husband loves.
Ingredients for Crust:
Ingredients for Cream Cheese Layer:
Ingredients for Pudding Layer:
Ingredients for Top Layer:
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13 Wednesday Mar 2013
coconut water, strawberry smoothie, strawberry smoothie recipe, strawberry smoothie with coconut water
Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on March 13th, 2013
Although the smoothies at the chain juice joints are tasty, they are often a little too sweet for me. However, I just love the consistency. I felt like whenever I added yogurt to my smoothies, they just weren’t quite right. One day my sister Denise bought the frozen smoothie mix from the freezer section and I noticed they added in frozen pieces of yogurt. So, I made my own version using frozen yogurt. It has good consistency but is not as sweet
Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy. This is for a single serving, but can also be doubled, tripled, quadrupled, etc. if you are making this for more people. 🙂
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13 Wednesday Mar 2013
Posted General, Healthy Inspirations
inThis is what I ate:
Breakfast (7:00am)
I started the day with coffee and scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese with potato patties.
Lunch (11:00am)
A quick meal of leftover noodles from a Chinese restaurant, some roasted cabbage with a poached egg for some protein.
Dinner (5:30pm)
After my class I was starving so my husband took me out to dinner at Umami. I started with a strawberry lemonade and we shared brussel sprouts. I am trying to not order the same dish all the time, so I tried the Manly Burger and it was good.
Dessert (7:30pm)
After dinner, we came home to relax and watch some TV. And of course, we had a few chocolates. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
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