Posted by Jennifer (the student) on April 23, 2012
Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest
Some days are just to busy for a traditional hour-long workout. Doing something is better than nothing at all. Here are a few was to add some extra activity to your day.
- Wake up 30 minutes early and go for a run or walk.
- Replace your desk chair with an exercise ball.
- Walk the dog.
- Walk or bike to work or running errands.
- Do house work and yard work.
- Count your steps with a pedometer (aim for 10,000 a day)
- While watching TV do strength training exercises or walk on a treadmill.
- When meeting friends go for a walk, window shop, go dancing.
Try to make activity part of your life and make it fun.
Let me know what you do to stay active. 🙂
♥ ♥
I used to do “health days” with family. We would get together for a healthy meal at my house and go for a nice walk after. I guess I should start doing “health days” again. Thanks Jen!
That is a great idea!