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Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on April 16, 2012

I was talking to our recipe contest winner Sheila and she was telling me what inspired her to start cooking at home more often.  It wasn’t about calculating cost differences between eating out and at home like you would think.  She told me that what inspired her most was purchasing something new for her kitchen.  She recently bought new cookware and has been cooking up a storm ever since.  This has been true in my case also.  My fellow blogger Jennifer bought this cool deep silicone spoon from Princess House (GREAT products by the way).  I liked it so much I bought one also and was on a soup making venture for a month!  So, it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or expensive.  Just one new item can make spending time in the kitchen more fun.   I recently received something for my ktichen as a gift (pictured above), and I can’t wait to use it!

♥ ♥ 

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