foodjournal, foodlog, gypsyden, oldtownhaunt, pasadenaoldtownhaunt, peasandcrayons, pienburger, powercrunchbar, starbucks, whatiatewednesday, wiaw

Hello, WIAWers. Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I am sharing my meals from Saturday and we finally got a break from the heat, so food sounds good again. Thank you to Jenn a Peas and Crayons for hosting the WIAW!
This months theme is “Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats”. This day I attended a haunted house and now I am in the mood for Halloween.
This is what I ate:
Breakfast (6:30am)
I started the day with iced coffee from Starbucks and protein bar before my tennis class.
Brunch (11:00pm)
Since returning to tennis a few weeks ago, my husband and I have made stopping by the Gypsy Den a habit. And we have been ordering the same dishes, the bread plate and the spinach and feta scramble to share.
Dinner (6:30pm)
Once a year we go up to Pasadena for hamburgers and a haunted house. Sometimes we go with a group of friends and other times we go alone. This year, we went alone. We at dinner at Pie ‘N Burger, a place I have been going to since I was a child and it has not changed a bit. I had a hamburger with grilled onion and we shared my husbands favorite macaroni salad and a chocolate malt. They have really good pies but we were to full this trip. But the highlight of the night was our annual trip to the Pasadena Old Town Haunt. We had so much fun, it was scary but not too much. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your day was full of healthy meals!
♥ ♥