

Posted by Jennifer (the RD) on May 19, 2013

In class last week, we worked on a real life case study.  We looked at our case study’s diet one year ago, and then looked at the improvement she made after a 1 year period.  After talking to a dietitian, she has done wonderfully.  She cooks every day, she has gotten rid of all of the junk food in her home, and has inspired her entire family to eat better.  She has gotten so excited about her improvements, she has posted her new menus (with pictures) online.  The class wrote her letters of encouragement to her and they were beautiful. Some of them that almost made me cry.  So if you can think of someone that has made a big improvement (health related or not), write them a letter.  You’ll be doing something wonderful for them!

 ♥ ♥

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