Like most people, I am very concerned with the quality of food I put into my mouth. This is why I decided to look into community supported agriculture. For a little over $60 per month, I enjoy a box of home delivered organic fruits and veggies twice every month. Not only am I getting high quality, organic produce, but I am also producing a local farm. Not all community supported agriculture is 100% organic, but this is what I prefer. One of the exciting things about the deliveries is opening the box to see what you get…it’s Christmas twice a month! The produce will definitely inspire you to prepare produce that is outside of your comfort zone. I thought only Hannibal Lecter ate fava beans! I had to do some YouTube research before I prepared those suckers! 🙂
I order from:
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Thanks for the info! I am having a problem with snails and I read that coffee ground help.
Yes, we have a friend that we save all of our coffee grounds for 🙂
You are absolutely right. My mom and I use vinegar in the cracks in the concrete where all of the little weeds seem to get in and grow like wild. It works great! 🙂