

Hello, thanks for stopping by! Jenmi Jenmi is a healthy lifestyle blog, chronicling the healthy lives of a register dietician and a dietetic student. The blog follows our lives through food and fitness which includes our favorite recipes, stories, healthy living, career, happiness and self-love.

We are two friends who love delicious food and sharing our healthy creations. Hope you enjoy getting to know us!


This blog is meant to teach and inform you about nutrition and nutrition-related information. It serves as an outlet for my own personal opinions, but is not meant to be used as an absolute source of information. Before using this information to make any changes to your diet or lifestyle, I strongly recommend that you talk to your doctor or local registered dietitian (contact me for options). This way you can get a more personalized recommendation that best fits your own dietary needs.

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3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi JM, and JL, read through your blog and found the information and links very helpful and inspiring. I plan to check in to see whats new on your blog. You’ve inspired me to commit to improving my health, Thanks!

    • Jennifer (the student) said:

      Rosanne, thank you for visiting our blog. We will be posting more interesting and healthy articles. Be sure to visit frequently and check for updates. Let us know if you have any questions or requests.

      Jennifer (the student) ♥

  2. Fred Lenny said:

    You guys are fantastic, I tried your recipes and was delighted, I can’t wait to try the Tofu pudding. I will check back after I go to the gym.

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